Every day us patriots get to see scum bag that much closer to the end of his political carrier and forced into a striped outfit for the rest of his life, it's called justice. This is the straw that will break the back of the hate party, they are done anyway with demographics, can you imagine any brown skin person voting for the hate part after being treated like shit by them for endless decades. But we won't have to wait for the few decades it would take to be populated with enough brown people to put the hate party in the history books where they belong. They brought us Scum Bag , so they will be a minority in a few years and gone in short order passed that time. They are a dead party,
There will be another conservative party, there always will be but it will never be called the Republican party , that title is totally poisoned, so they will have to come up with a new name. Like maybe The Patriotic Christian Bible thumping flag wavers. That has a ring to it.
There will be another conservative party, there always will be but it will never be called the Republican party , that title is totally poisoned, so they will have to come up with a new name. Like maybe The Patriotic Christian Bible thumping flag wavers. That has a ring to it.