Everybody should watch the movie: WHY WE FIGHT


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Why We Fight (2005 film)
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Why We Fight (2005) is a documentary film directed by Eugene Jarecki about the United States's relationship with war. Its title is an allusion to the World War II-era newsreels of the same name, which were commissioned by the United States to justify their decision to go to war against the Nazis.

Why We Fight was first screened at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival on January 17, 2005, exactly 44 years after Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address. It won the Grand Jury Prize for Documentary. It received a limited theatrical release on January 20, 2005, and was released on DVD to the home video market on June 27, 2005 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, with a MPAA rating of PG-13.

[edit] Synopsis
Why We Fight describes the rise and maintenance of the United States military-industrial complex and its involvement in the wars led by the United States during the last fifty years, and in particular in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. The film alleges that in every decade since World War II, the American public has been told a lie to bring it into war to fuel the military-economic machine, which in turn maintains American dominance in the world. It includes interviews with John McCain, Chalmers Johnson, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Gore Vidal and Joseph Cirincione. The film also incorporates the stories of a Vietnam War veteran whose son died in the September 11, 2001 attacks and then had his son's name written on a bomb dropped on Iraq; a 23-year old New York man who enlists in the United States Army citing his financial troubles after his only family member died; and a former Vietnamese refugee who now develops explosives for the American military.

I guarantee you that history will prove that the War in Iraq was wrong and a debacle and that all those warmongers were totally manipulated by the military-industrial complex, the media, and Republican neoconservatives...

I also guarantee that history will prove that Gore won over Bush...and Bush is the worst US president ever...and that the people who voted for him were the dumbest of the population....

Ike, one of the best of the US Presidents ever, warned against the Military Industrial Complex long ago. I believe that most of the US ignored that warning.
Ike, one of the best of the US Presidents ever, warned against the Military Industrial Complex long ago. I believe that most of the US ignored that warning.

Here's something else that Ike said which might interest you:

"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt (you possibly know his backgroun), a few other other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
Here's something else that Ike said which might interest you:

"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt (you possibly know his backgroun), a few other other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

Thanks Darla, one of my favorite quotes.
said well before today's 9.2 trillion in debt welfare state, lol, and not at all relevant to a modern point.
Here's something else that Ike said which might interest you:

"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt (you possibly know his backgroun), a few other other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
And your point is?

He spoke of political expediency. Stating that should they try this, it will kill them politically. It's a pragmatic view, and one that I share.
And your point is?

He spoke of political expediency. Stating that should they try this, it will kill them politically. It's a pragmatic view, and one that I share.

His point was that it was radically out of step with mainstream America, which it still is. My point is that Republicans are stupid. I thought that was clear?
His point was that it was radically out of step with mainstream America, which it still is. My point is that Republicans are stupid. I thought that was clear?
Except they never tried to get rid of social security. So the statement doesn't apply. He spoke of the few who believe that it could be done, even naming one.

You are being just a bit disingenuous.
Except they never tried to get rid of social security. So the statement doesn't apply. He spoke of the few who believe that it could be done, even naming one.

You are being just a bit disingenuous.

Proponents of privatization openly speak of it being the first step to dismantling SS completely, and in fact, of dismantling the New Deal and Great Society programs, so who is being disingenuous?
Proponents of privatization openly speak of it being the first step to dismantling SS completely, and in fact, of dismantling the New Deal and Great Society programs, so who is being disingenuous?
Yet, I was accurate while you are not.

Muslim extremists think the first step to converting you is attacking financial institutions and getting "hate crime" legislation passed. Does this mean you are converted?

Some of them believe that (a minority, the same one that Eisenhower spoke of), the rest simply want the money that is supposed to be saved, to actually be saved, and for you to get a decent return on such a massive investment. It is weakness to fall for generalizations and stereotypes. Yet it is easy to do.
And over 60 fillibusters last year by the Republicans....
Yup. And? Filibusters were available and used by the Democrats as well. Why did they not use their power to end the irresponsible spending? Also, not even one of the D candidates running for President have put forward any idea that would remotely cut spending. Not even one of them gives ideas that could actually be paid for by returning to pre-Bush tax rates, not even one of them gives even a suggestion that they would attempt to end the spending spree.
Yup. And? Filibusters were available and used by the Democrats as well. Why did they not use their power to end the irresponsible spending? Also, not even one of the D candidates running for President have put forward any idea that would remotely cut spending. Not even one of them gives ideas that could actually be paid for by returning to pre-Bush tax rates, not even one of them gives even a suggestion that they would attempt to end the spending spree.

I agree, Unlike you I am not a partisan hack.
I just dislike Republicans more than democrats.

but if the spending spree ends now, well can you say Depression....
His point was that it was radically out of step with mainstream America, which it still is. My point is that Republicans are stupid. I thought that was clear?

Actually the vast majority of americans are stupid, not realizing that their misguided faith in pyramid schemes will eventually destroy the nation.

it's pragmatic to accept this idiocy only in the sense that it's difficult to get most people to think rationally. It is a worthwhile endeavor, however.
I agree, Unlike you I am not a partisan hack.
I just dislike Republicans more than democrats.

but if the spending spree ends now, well can you say Depression....
LOL. And support nearly every idea that the Ds propound, and vote that way, and talk them up like they are the next new thing, better than sliced bread and tang....

I've been on about the Rs and their spending for 7 years, I started in on them with the idiotic Pill Bill and haven't stopped since. I do not promote irresponsible spending.
LOL. And support nearly every idea that the Ds propound, and vote that way, and talk them up like they are the next new thing, better than sliced bread and tang....

I've been on about the Rs and their spending for 7 years, I started in on them with the idiotic Pill Bill and haven't stopped since. I do not promote irresponsible spending.

Tang sucks like all politicians.
Including Dems and Ron Paul.

sliced bread is not so bad though.