APP - Everyone should read this: Very good



One thing about this really struck home for me. In the age of mega endorsement deals, athletes pro career is their sideline job. In the past the answered to the owners, but clearly they don't anymore. Some will say that is great. But, what they have to remember is that what drives the endorsements is what happens on the field.

But, if these highly paid athletes want to do more than just preen and virtue signal, then they should demand that their real masters i.e. Nike, Adidas and Reebok bring these manufacturing jobs back to the states for young black men and women to fill.

It is a crying shame that they outsource those jobs and then sell them back to the communities they are virtue signaling for.

The best reparations is a job. If you disagree with this common sense approach then clearly you are more interested in having the issue than solving the problem which makes you part of the problem