Everyone who joined this group should be sentenced to life in prison



Or, preferably, executed for treason.
Dear lord, please hurry up with the rapture! I can't wait for this human garbage to be exterminated so we can get some real shit done and save America from them.
Notice the huge percentage of women on the page that you copied? Women tend to vote Democrat more then men, so this is good evidence that your party is screwed. :lolup:
I agree with you, WM.

If Farrah Fawcett was your favorite actress you should be executed.
emo troll is on the roll

iirc correctly, didn't libs defend this kind of humor a few weeks ago, not sure if WM did....but i thought there was a thread where someone made this same prayer about a gop'er
:clink: At least she was hot...

News flash, its not the 60s anymore!

Farrah was hot as hell. I had her poster back in the day. But the line was "...favorite actress...". Farrah was a hottie and even had a good role or two. But if she is someone's fav actress, they haven't watched most of her work or have pretty low standards in acting.

Nope, not the 60s anymore. But if it will get you laid, I am sure more than a few guys will try it. If a woman is passionate about a cause she will bring that passion other places.