everything happens for a reason.....

True story

We lived in butthole Montana and were on a weekend walk through the woods and saw these cute cubs. Being 6 or so, I thought, how cute and I ran to pet them as my mother and father are yelling some unintelligent adult talk... And then the ROAR

Next thing I remember was being dragged across the land and creek to home. Been scared of woods and bears ever since. My second wife and I were dating and we took the 10 mile (one way) Eagle Cap hike (absolutely beautiful) in Southern east Oregon.... and on the way back it started getting dark and I started freaking the F out. She is cool as ice and I tell her the bear story, she is still cool as ice. Doesn't say a word, just keeps hiking down the trail. We are not together now, but I will always give her props for that. Bravest woman I've ever known.
True story

We lived in butthole Montana and were on a weekend walk through the woods and saw these cute cubs. Being 6 or so, I thought, how cute and I ran to pet them as my mother and father are yelling some unintelligent adult talk... And then the ROAR

Next thing I remember was being dragged across the land and creek to home. Been scared of woods and bears ever since. My second wife and I were dating and we took the 10 mile (one way) Eagle Cap hike (absolutely beautiful) in Southern east Oregon.... and on the way back it started getting dark and I started freaking the F out. She is cool as ice and I tell her the bear story, she is still cool as ice. Doesn't say a word, just keeps hiking down the trail. We are not together now, but I will always give her props for that. Bravest woman I've ever known.

So you're on wife number 3!