cancel2 2022
I think they got most of them!!
what do you expect for a british movie.
Yeah, I liked that as well. They even modeled Ralph Fiennes' M after Bernard Lee, and resurrected M's old office. I thought the weakest aspect was the villain, because he's so similar to villains we've already encountered, such as 006.
It is nowhere near as bad as say Indiana Jones where he somehow managed to smuggle aboard a German submarine which was just about to dive. What about where the Nazis seal Indy and Marion in the Well of Souls to die.Indy finds an exterior wall, pushes a loose block from the wall and they escape. The block appears to be about 3ft by 3ft by 4ft, or 36 cu-ft (1 cu-m). A limestone block that size weighs more than 2.5 tonnes, who is he Superman? Actually talking about him, what about where he loses his superpowers and hitch hikes back to his ice cave in the depths of winter in flimsy clothing.
what do you expect for a british movie.
It is nowhere near as bad as say Indiana Jones where he somehow managed to smuggle aboard a German submarine which was just about to dive. What about where the Nazis seal Indy and Marion in the Well of Souls to die.Indy finds an exterior wall, pushes a loose block from the wall and they escape. The block appears to be about 3ft by 3ft by 4ft, or 36 cu-ft (1 cu-m). A limestone block that size weighs more than 2.5 tonnes, who is he Superman? Actually talking about him, what about where he loses his superpowers and hitch hikes back to his ice cave in the depths of winter in flimsy clothing.
no, not Superman... but he is American... which means vastly superior to any British man... so I can understand why you are confused. It wouldn't be possible for a British man so you assume it simply is not possible.
no, not Superman... but he is American... which means vastly superior to any British man... so I can understand why you are confused. It wouldn't be possible for a British man so you assume it simply is not possible.
Actually Superman is a Kryptonian.
Actually Superman is a Kryptonian.
And his outfit is made from cloth that came with him. So how do you know it doesn't provide excellent insulation?
The idea that these people looked at the most trivial items and think it actually effects the quality of the film is laughable.
A prime example is the remark that Bond fired two shots so he is ready for action. His firing the rifle was not to see if he was ready for action, it was to see if it was still sighted in properly. It obviously was, so why waste ammo?