Evidentiary value of an instagram post?


Some fool admitted to a theft of over 100 K from my company on Instagram.
My son stumbled onto the post.

We took screen shots and had them printed.

What else can we do to preserve the evidence?
Some fool admitted to a theft of over 100 K from my company on Instagram.
My son stumbled onto the post.

We took screen shots and had them printed.

What else can we do to preserve the evidence?

That is actually the best evidence, similar to copy screen and printing it.

Google has a cache search that looks up closed or old sites, I have not used it in years, so don't even know if it works still.

If I were you, I would immediately give this information to the DA's office and they might have better resources to sleuth this dirty thief out.
The DA's office or your local county attorney might tell you to start with the police, but I would push them hard because the police don't ha e the resources or care to pursue this kind of stuff. On most cities anyway.

I really hope you catch this guy. One other thing, if this crossed state lines you should contact the FBI.

Food for thought. Cause other than that you're basically going to civil court for embezzlement issues and that could be costly. Maybe if you pursue the criminal side first, and win (or not =OJ) you can then do civil while the State does most of the legal work.
Some fool admitted to a theft of over 100 K from my company on Instagram.
My son stumbled onto the post.

We took screen shots and had them printed.

What else can we do to preserve the evidence?

Holy crap. What an idiot! You saved the URLs, any time stamps, and that stuff too I guess.
Some fool admitted to a theft of over 100 K from my company on Instagram.
My son stumbled onto the post.

We took screen shots and had them printed.

What else can we do to preserve the evidence?

That’s sufficient to start an investigation, which will reveal the paper trail.
Can you show via accounting that the money was siphoned off if that's how it happened? We've had several cases here in the news where an insider set up shell companies and directed the money to them.
The DA referred me to the cops; the cops are not returning my calls.
One last call to the Police Chief's office, then on to the mayor's office.
The DA referred me to the cops; the cops are not returning my calls.
One last call to the Police Chief's office, then on to the mayor's office.

That is so messed up. What was the DA's excuse? And why won't the police expect even investigate this?

You obviously know this individual and are reporting a specific crime and no one in your town, entrusted with enforcing and prosecuting the law, will do anything?

If so, that truly is an abomination. Just don't take matters in your own hands. I doubt you will as you're posting about it here....

Good luck
DA claims everything they act on comes from police...
Perp is a local businessman/ taxpayer, I am out of town.
Calling the chief's office today. Don't expect much difference but one must work their way up through the muckery.
DA claims everything they act on comes from police...
Perp is a local businessman/ taxpayer, I am out of town.
Calling the chief's office today. Don't expect much difference but one must work their way up through the muckery.