Evil Doesn't Kill People -- Guns Kill People

it's obvious that liberals/anti gunners are truly not concerned with stopping gun violence or they would start charging the guns with these murders that they commit
Well, least we should be happy he didn't cite "Info Wars" this time around, even though the results are just as funny
Pfft. I was disappointed that the story WASN'T reported by Infowars.

Still, Rolling Stone is a scuzball source smothered in Left sauce, so I'm happy to point out the idiocy in that rag, just the same. ;)
it's obvious that liberals/anti gunners are truly not concerned with stopping gun violence or they would start charging the guns with these murders that they commit
Even liberals aren't that stupid. All they have to do is galvanize their zombie masses with their stupid rhetoric. It's easier, and so much more effective.
No guns,no gun deaths
No knives, no stabbing deaths by knife.

No blunt instruments, no beatings to death.

No cars, no homicidal ramming deaths by automobile.

No rope, no strangulation deaths by rope.

I suggest you get busy, fuckface. You have a lot of shit to confiscate. ;)
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