
Yeah........let us care about the opinion of a person whose favorite past time was engaging in an incestuous coupling with his first cousin. The false premise is clear........attempting to relate all nationalism with fascism....when in reality its the Democrat Party that best represents the ideology of FASCISM, just like the Socialist NAZI party of history.

Its the democrat party that has historically been the party of SLAVERY, SEGREGATION, JIM CROW, THE KKK, RACIAL TERRORISM (as demonstrated on a daily basis currently in Large Democrat Cities), and the historical resistance to all the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s, Women suffrage etc.,

Now you are going from the RACE CARD (the riots and murders in the streets of the United States today)......to the FASCIST card? :laugh: Racism always accompanies Fascism ....its the democrats that insist upon defining people by skin color, gender, gender benders, religion....as they play virtue politics when in reality the only thing the democrats care about is political power at any cost.

Truth: Nationalism is not in the least a defining feature of Fascism.....that's a LIE and can be easily demonstrated to be fake, false and phony. Look at the people around the globe who were and are NATIONALISTS. GANDHI, MANDELA, WINSTON CHURCHILL, our founding fathers were nationalists.....all the anti-colonists were nationalists and most certainly were not FASCISTS in the least.

Historically..........fascism has always been a defining feature of the LEFT.....not the right. Hell the word NAZI stems from the German language to mean national "SOCIALIST" German workers party. Hitler was never a right wing capitalist.....he hated capitalism and invoked all the traits of SOCIALISM, from controlling the banks, to controlling education, firearms, private property, religion, etc., Just like the democrat party attempts today.

In fact the modern democrat party had a former KKK state leader serving as a US Senator until his death in 2010.....:bigthink:

Simple question? Find one republican in history that was a slave owner.........all the slaves were owned by DEMOCRATS.
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let us care about the opinion of a person whose favorite past time was engaging in an incestuous coupling with his first cousin. The false premise is clear ... attempting to relate all nationalism with fascism

I don't know what you're replying to, Ralph, but it doesn't seem to be the OP. Apart from anything else, first-cousin sex is not incestuous unless you're living in the Middle Ages.

Does that short video by the Lincoln Project attempt to "relate" all nationalism with fascism? I can see no sign of it. It does assert that Trump and his cronies are evil, which imo is overstating the case. They don't have the smarts for it.

Historically fascism has always been a defining feature of the LEFT not the right ... Hitler was never a right wing capitalist, he hated capitalism and invoked all the traits of SOCIALISM

You are far from the first to attempt this obfuscation, but it doesn't work. Hitler was granted dictatorial powers by the arch-conservative President Hindenburg. He retained those powers with the full support of the German mega-capitalists and the aristocrat-dominated army. How did that come about if they saw him as a socialist?

You could make a slightly better case for Mussolini, who HAD been a socialist before WWI, but no case at all for Franco who was and always had been ultra-conservative. Clearly there is more going on here than is dreamt of in your philosophy.