end the forces who are using the media of all sorts who are promoting racism to destroy this nation and others
ban everyone of them from public service
You can not serve people you gleefully say you hate
science shows that racism is idiotcy
TEACH how and why this nation was founded
Yes our founders were nit perfect and made evil and stupid decisions at times
they realized they were not perfect and created a system in which we could strive to become a MORE PERFECT UNION
we in fact have done things in this nation with the tools they left us to become a MORE PERFECT NATION
you can now commence hating on me because I haven't already solved all of mankinds failures fucking russo bot hole
when you protect Russia you get that label
LOL so now I'm protecting russia and I hate you?
Where do you come up with this silliness.
I'm trying to work with you since you say you advocate to help the american people.
Working together makes hard work easier. But first we must acknowledge where the institutional racism, oppression, demonization, corruption, lies, greed and racism come from. I'm just saying it was here before fox news and russia.
Are you willing to fight?
Here are my suggestions on how to prevent this type of racism from happening:
2021 Law Enforcement Revision Act
1.) No former US Military. They all have PTSD and many joined the military due to their abusive personalities, and were the kids sent to ISS in high school. Personality defects, Racists and Drunks.
2.) No right wing ideology
3.) Body Cams 24/7, if ever off you're Fired
4.) Alcohol and Steroid Testing
5.) Mental Competency Testing
6.) Eliminate the police union
7.) Extend the revision act to include: judges, prosecutors, DA's etc.
8.) Hold all accountable.
Those are starters