Evolution and The African-American


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Human Evolutionary biology,with all its complexities and subtleties is hard to grasp at times.

We can't readily see the forces in play that go into creating new species and new variations and mutations.

Or can we ?

The evidence is there for those who wish to see it.

In nature different varieties of the same species will experience cross pollination or cross breeding if it seems that doing so increases the chance for survival of either one.

Could this be happening here in the usa where miscegenation is taking place at a rapid pace.

Can we be seeing blacks or african americans trying to accomplish what nature and evolution have denied them,and what they have not been able to do through their own efforts?

Are the evolutionary forces in play that are compelling blacks to mix race with whites and by so doing, co-opt the genetic enhanced dna in the blood composition of white americans?
Are they doing this in order to survive and to avoid suffocating in their own excrement or are they being guided by the principle of aesthetics and the role it plays in further human development.

The advancement of the white race was greatly speeded and enhanced by this principle ;when the pursuit of beauty became the guiding force in our evolutionary process.

Ever wonder why lighter skin blacks appear more attractive and successful in society than pure negroes?

Ever wonder why blacks look the way they DO?