Ex-bureaucrat for Pentagon gets 18 months for illegal arms sales


Villified User
Ex-bureaucrat for Pentagon gets 18 months for illegal arms sales
Posted 10/24/2006 4:33 PM ET E-mail | Save | Print | Subscribe to stories like this Subscribe to stories like this
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former Defense Department official was sentenced to 18 months in prison and another pleaded guilty Tuesday to selling military equipment in the Middle East and pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Most of the equipment was unneeded and scheduled for auction, but prosecutors said the illegal deals also included the sale of Humvees that were still weaponized and were not supposed to have been sold.

Ronald W. Wiseman of New Boston, Texas, was sentenced for violating federal weapons laws. Wiseman worked for the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, the Pentagon agency that sells excess military equipment.

The agency contracts with overseas auctioneers to sell the equipment and return the money to the government. Prosecutors said Wiseman and a Saudi Arabian auctioneer agreed to sell some equipment off the books and share in the profits.