EX CENTCOM commander agrees with what I have been saying


Villified User
Abizaid: World Could Abide Nuclear Iran

Sep 17, 11:33 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Every effort should be made to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, but failing that, the world could live with a nuclear-armed regime in Tehran, a recently retired commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East said Monday.

John Abizaid, the retired Army general who headed Central Command for nearly four years, said he was confident that if Iran gained nuclear arms, the United States could deter it from using them.

"Iran is not a suicide nation," he said. "I mean, they may have some people in charge that don't appear to be rational, but I doubt that the Iranians intend to attack us with a nuclear weapon."

The Iranians are aware, he said, that the United States has a far superior military capability.

"I believe that we have the power to deter Iran, should it become nuclear," he said, referring to the theory that Iran would not risk a catastrophic retaliatory strike by using a nuclear weapon against the United States.


Nuclear proliferation is never a good thing. As few nations should have nukes as possible. Preferably none should, but that won't happen in our life time. And we should strive to keep nukes from proliferating to any country. Iran being no exception.

That said, whatever nutball suggests that the shia theocrats in Iraq would be willing to give nukes to their blood enemies -- the sunni extremists al qaeda -- is out of their mind and completely misinformed. Likewise, Iran would never give a nuke to Hezbollah to use on Israel. Iran would be razed to the ground in 20 minutes, by an israeli nuclear counter attack.