Examples of how compasionate the left are


What's disgusting? Karma would call for Bart's daughter to be sexually assaulted in about 5 years or so. A cartoon depicting that would be 'disgusting'. This cartoon, however, seems pretty accurate to me.
Meh he invited it when he chose to talk about her during his testimony.

I'm not at all concerned. K. himself brought up his children by name during testimony and claimed that they were "praying for" Dr. Ford. If you don't want your kids discussed politically, don't bring them up. Period. You'd think he would have learned that from $arah Palin who used hers as props. We noticed that during Obama's terms you had no problem when Sasha and Malia were mocked -- even though the Obamas left them out of political speeches. As usual, your hypocritical outrage is only focused in one direction.

Say, how's that FB stalking going these days? Have you uncovered anymore posters' family members' names to make socks out of?
I liked the cartoon.
The cartoon is spot on, and that you can't tell that it is is on you.
There was nothing wrong with that cartoon. The only way Bart will learn that what he did was wrong, is to see his daughter suffer at the hands of someone just like him.
Thank you for loving your Daddy, little Miss K.

You are learning that you don't want to hang out this crowd.

And there you have it, everyone; exactly how the "party of compassion" thinks. :palm:
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

A mental AND SOCIAL disorder.


What's disgusting? Karma would call for Bart's daughter to be sexually assaulted in about 5 years or so. A cartoon depicting that would be 'disgusting'. This cartoon, however, seems pretty accurate to me.
Meh he invited it when he chose to talk about her during his testimony.

I'm not at all concerned. K. himself brought up his children by name during testimony and claimed that they were "praying for" Dr. Ford. If you don't want your kids discussed politically, don't bring them up. Period. You'd think he would have learned that from $arah Palin who used hers as props. We noticed that during Obama's terms you had no problem when Sasha and Malia were mocked -- even though the Obamas left them out of political speeches. As usual, your hypocritical outrage is only focused in one direction.

Say, how's that FB stalking going these days? Have you uncovered anymore posters' family members' names to make socks out of?
I liked the cartoon.
The cartoon is spot on, and that you can't tell that it is is on you.
There was nothing wrong with that cartoon. The only way Bart will learn that what he did was wrong, is to see his daughter suffer at the hands of someone just like him.
Thank you for loving your Daddy, little Miss K.

You are learning that you don't want to hang out this crowd.
The poor little girl is probably wondering if her mother was a victim of rape and and a gang bang- and if she was the result of it!

I bet she is asking some serious questions!

And there you have it, everyone; exactly how the "party of compassion" thinks. :palm:
WTF even is this? Do you even have something Freedom, or are you just making noise of angry fits? Have you ever read this?

Matthew 6:1-4 ESV
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

So go on as a disillusioned hater, if you want. You don't know what anyone here does that is good deeds, and you never will. The idea of bearing false witness applies to saying what someone doesn't do, just the same as what they do. I don't know if you're a Christian though.
WTF even is this? Do you even have something Freedom, or are you just making noise of angry fits? Have you ever read this?

Matthew 6:1-4 ESV
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

So go on as a disillusioned hater, if you want. You don't know what anyone here does that is good deeds, and you never will. The idea of bearing false witness applies to saying what someone doesn't do, just the same as what they do. I don't know if you're a Christian though.

Are you saying the quotes aren't factual or did you just need to fill your daily quota of defending liberals??

What's disgusting? Karma would call for Bart's daughter to be sexually assaulted in about 5 years or so. A cartoon depicting that would be 'disgusting'. This cartoon, however, seems pretty accurate to me.
Meh he invited it when he chose to talk about her during his testimony.

I'm not at all concerned. K. himself brought up his children by name during testimony and claimed that they were "praying for" Dr. Ford. If you don't want your kids discussed politically, don't bring them up. Period. You'd think he would have learned that from $arah Palin who used hers as props. We noticed that during Obama's terms you had no problem when Sasha and Malia were mocked -- even though the Obamas left them out of political speeches. As usual, your hypocritical outrage is only focused in one direction.

Say, how's that FB stalking going these days? Have you uncovered anymore posters' family members' names to make socks out of?
I liked the cartoon.
The cartoon is spot on, and that you can't tell that it is is on you.
There was nothing wrong with that cartoon. The only way Bart will learn that what he did was wrong, is to see his daughter suffer at the hands of someone just like him.
Thank you for loving your Daddy, little Miss K.

You are learning that you don't want to hang out this crowd.
The poor little girl is probably wondering if her mother was a victim of rape and and a gang bang- and if she was the result of it!

I bet she is asking some serious questions!
Absolutely. There's nothing in the cartoon that "mocks" the child. I note that no one has even tried to explain how it does "mock" the child. More fake outrage.

And there you have it, everyone; exactly how the "party of compassion" thinks. :palm: