

Ahorrado por Gracia
I might be purchasing my first plot of land within a few weeks. It is 0.65 acres of lake-front property with an 1800 SqFT shop already built. My plan would be to convert the shop into a house. The price is very good, but it will take a lot of work to clear out the property. There are hundreds of trees clustered around the shop. Luckily, the trees aren't very big so even I could clear them out myself with a chainsaw.

Once I get my promotion, I would begin remodeling the shop.
Wow good deal. I wish I could find a deal like that around here. Real estate is so much money in this part of the country.

Projects like that can be a lot of fun. Good investment too you could flip it for a good sum after you make the improvements.
Wow good deal. I wish I could find a deal like that around here. Real estate is so much money in this part of the country.

Projects like that can be a lot of fun. Good investment too you could flip it for a good sum after you make the improvements.

preachin' to the choir!

Good luck Brent! I hope it works out for you. Its sounds wonderful.
Excellent... I purchased my first duplex at about 21... I lived in one side and rented the other. Great first step.
I might be purchasing my first plot of land within a few weeks. It is 0.65 acres of lake-front property with an 1800 SqFT shop already built. My plan would be to convert the shop into a house. The price is very good, but it will take a lot of work to clear out the property. There are hundreds of trees clustered around the shop. Luckily, the trees aren't very big so even I could clear them out myself with a chainsaw.

Once I get my promotion, I would begin remodeling the shop.

Well, I notice you said the trees arn't very big, but you might want to see if you can get your property logged anyways. You might get an extra grand or two for the trees that are big enough to be used. My aunt got 10 grand to have her property logged. It was a much bigger property, but very hard for the crew to get back into the wooded areas. Might be worth a shot to get an estimate.
I want to preserve most of the woods. There is a creek back on the property, where deer and other wildlife is often present. I don't want to ruin that. The trees I want to cut down are only 8 inches (roughly) in diameter, so I doubt it would be worth logging...but it's worth checking into, I suppose. Thanks
I want to preserve most of the woods. There is a creek back on the property, where deer and other wildlife is often present. I don't want to ruin that. The trees I want to cut down are only 8 inches (roughly) in diameter, so I doubt it would be worth logging...but it's worth checking into, I suppose. Thanks

They'll usually tell you the size of the trees they'll cut down before they do an estimate. You can usually make pretty good judgement from that and decide whether or not you want one. They can be destructive to the surrounding trees, but they usually try to keep them intact. But, from the sounds of it, the trees you want to cut down are so small that I doubt it would be in your best interest. You gonna season the wood after you cut down those trees and use it for firewood?
I might be purchasing my first plot of land within a few weeks. It is 0.65 acres of lake-front property with an 1800 SqFT shop already built. My plan would be to convert the shop into a house. The price is very good, but it will take a lot of work to clear out the property. There are hundreds of trees clustered around the shop. Luckily, the trees aren't very big so even I could clear them out myself with a chainsaw.

Once I get my promotion, I would begin remodeling the shop.

Don't clear too many trees, they'll save you money on heat in the winter and they'll keep it cooler in the summer too. Also if Lorax visits you, he'll have to walk farther to hug them.

I hope you're getting a home inspector or at least bringing along someone who knows housing to check it out. Ask tons of questions, flooding history (near lake), etc...

Good luck, hope you do great.
dunno if you can just rezone land like that... i mean if its a commercial plot you might not be able to make it into a house.
It is selling for 89,000 -- I am going to offer 81,000 and see what happens. :) If they refuse, I would be willing to purchase it for the listed price.
How long has it been on the market? Base your price on that.
If it's been awhile, then go really low. Also it helps to give them urgency, like if you're looking into other property, let them know that and play up how great this other deal is and how some other owner really dropped their price.
When inspecting the house, react with negativeness at ANY of the problems you see with the house:
"Ooh, look at these cracks, I don't know if I want to get into foundation repair, that's really costly".
"What do you mean your next door neighbors are wanderingbear and zoombwaz!?!, I'm not sure if I can handle living next to welfare leeches, I deal enough with them on the web."

And so on, you get the idea...
He already told you, he's converting it to a house.
My personal philosophy is that you should try actually reading arguments more.

This isn't an argument, it is a discussion.

You don't have to have a hard-on permanently you know....
Rob, AnyoldIron,

When I say 'shop', I am referring to a workshop. It's basically an 1800 SqFT garage that I want to convert into a home.