Exciting Krugman News!


First of all, the Times has ended that retarded pay wall for editorials that they had. So you can all read Frank Rich et el, without being suscribers. But...that's not the best part.


My future lover, Paul Krugman, has started a blog. And he responds to some people who email him there. Obviously, I will be here much less, and there much more, trying to catch his attention. I am thinking of emailing him my picture along with some of my better writing, just so he knows that I"m no dummy even though I'm ok looking.

I especially wanted to share this most exciting news with Cawacko and Superfreak, who are both big Krugman fans as well. Can you believe it boys? :clink: It's just too much.
First of all, the Times has ended that retarded pay wall for editorials that they had. So you can all read Frank Rich et el, without being suscribers. But...that's not the best part.


My future lover, Paul Krugman, has started a blog. And he responds to some people who email him there. Obviously, I will be here much less, and there much more, trying to catch his attention. I am thinking of emailing him my picture along with some of my better writing, just so he knows that I"m no dummy even though I'm ok looking.

I especially wanted to share this most exciting news with Cawacko and Superfreak, who are both big Krugman fans as well. Can you believe it boys? :clink: It's just too much.

I'm so excited I get to read his articles again! This is such great news!
I knew you would appreciate it! Cawacko, are you as excited as I am about the blog? I am almost feeling a little faint, and my face is hot. You?

If I think of the blog now I'll pass out. Too much stimulation for one time. This is too good to be true!
Interesting read.

I may have to buy his book.

Mega wealth ruining our government and stealig democracy away from us is pretty close to done.
I've been reading writers and publishers blogs lately.

Why didn't anyone ever tell me how terrible "8 casualties, Monday" was written whenever they read it? *sigh*
First of all, the Times has ended that retarded pay wall for editorials that they had. So you can all read Frank Rich et el, without being suscribers. But...that's not the best part.


My future lover, Paul Krugman, has started a blog. And he responds to some people who email him there. Obviously, I will be here much less, and there much more, trying to catch his attention. I am thinking of emailing him my picture along with some of my better writing, just so he knows that I"m no dummy even though I'm ok looking.

I especially wanted to share this most exciting news with Cawacko and Superfreak, who are both big Krugman fans as well. Can you believe it boys? :clink: It's just too much.

this IS good news and I am very excited for you, too, I know what this means to you, especially!
First of all, the Times has ended that retarded pay wall for editorials that they had. So you can all read Frank Rich et el, without being suscribers. But...that's not the best part.


My future lover, Paul Krugman, has started a blog. And he responds to some people who email him there. Obviously, I will be here much less, and there much more, trying to catch his attention. I am thinking of emailing him my picture along with some of my better writing, just so he knows that I"m no dummy even though I'm ok looking.

I especially wanted to share this most exciting news with Cawacko and Superfreak, who are both big Krugman fans as well. Can you believe it boys? :clink: It's just too much.

Krugman is awesome, but I'm assuming you're retracting your proposal to me? That's fine. I've already started dating Michelle Malkin.
My problem with lefties like krugman is they don't want to fix the distortions in the system which put americans out of work. They merely want to redistribute earnings without addressing root causes. For instance, instead of advocating to disallow slave good imports, they simply want to redistribute the slave labor profits to all, rendering americans dependant on the state, and keeping our society as a whole committed to the horror of slave labor.