Excuses as to why liberals will be disappointed with the Mueller report.

I've noticed that tendency. Isn't there a meme that pokes fun at the leftist tendency to ignore defeat? Something about "playing chess with a pigeon."

Excuses are their stock in trade.
Gallop reports that the number of states where liberals outnumber conservatives is down to six from nine. (You can see it on drudge)
The new kids are making an impact very quickly.

Unless Mueller files a detailed indictment charging members of the Trump campaign with conspiring with Russia, the public may never learn the full scope of what Mueller and his team has found — including potentially scandalous behavior that doesn’t amount to a provable crime.
Unless Mueller delivers a smoking gun which sets the President on a course for destruction (and it would be shocking beyond belief if such a thing existed and it hadn’t been leaked already), the Democrats really might not want the entire bag emptied. They have no idea what may be at the bottom of it and it could backfire on them seriously.
To understand the dangers Mr. Trump may face in the aftermath of a limited Mueller report, consider the request Congress made in 1974 to the special prosecutor Leon Jaworski as it opened an impeachment inquiry. Mr. Jaworski is analogous to Mr. Mueller — indeed, his appointment was a model for the special counsel regulations. In March 1974, Peter Rodino, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote to Mr. Jaworski, requesting all information he had uncovered in his investigation. Mr. Rodino understood that Mr. Jaworski’s mandate was far more limited than the House’s, and his letter stated that “it would be unthinkable if this material were kept from the House of Representatives in the course of the discharge of its most awesome constitutional responsibility.”