Experimenting with near real-time transcription of what my proffessor is saying


So, basically, if I hugely shorten and abbreviate everything as I'm typing, and ignore all grammar rules, I can nearly type what my proffesor is saying real time. This is my first experiment in doing so, its a transcription of our test notes:

Knw the difference between man pages vs info
man pgs where u find info on utilities
when started tlking about bash utilities, then u nd 2use info cmd
if you use man test, you'll get...
knw psswd, how u chng psswd
knw direct manip and file manip
movg arnd dirs and permisses
chngmod, and youll see the numeric stff 755 700, etc etc
sngl quotes vs double quts in bash shell - dble quotes allws u to put things like vrbs and they wont get expanded
whatever u put btwn sngle quts is literal
and from the last thing the redirects, stdin, stdout, redirection,
how to redirect it to a file
how to append to a file
being able to rename file + remv file
all the basic mainp stuff non-specifc to bash
for vi, remember the modes, insrt mde cmd mode
when you open vi which it start first?
know the opts 4 exting, saving the file, and svng file with new fl nme
w for wrt, ;wq for wrt+qut, ;wu (filename) for renm or something
that's all about vi

bash stuff
startup files
.bash undrscr profile and .bashrc
and the man thing bout start fls is that whn u dclar vars and funcs and u wnt thm to persist put in startup file
strtp fl gets rn evr time u run
whch one gets executed? u put smthng in one it will run

thngs abt pths, rltv pathnms, abs pthnms,
chng dir space
the ~, $, home, those commands

srcing a fl, how to rn a fl in a
whn u src a file, ur running every fl in the same bash space
if u just run a command and
know whether ur running a new shell or the code is being sourced

exprting vars and proc locality
when u set var inside bash, it's only in crrt bash shell u put it n
evry login u have in system, you have new bash
nvr a moth bash
you need an env var to make proc and all children c var
if u dnt exp var it only alive while this shll script is running

cmds that are symbols - make sure u know symbols
command substitution, $, (()), etc... etc...

just simple redirection, just writing to file, not combining and doing fancy tricks

exct comms in bg
3 things on that
the thing about hitting cntrl z while program running, will pause it, bg will put in bg, fg bring it back
also, & after it?

go ovr sect on vars, chapt 10?
can't start with num, has to start with letter, underscore, same as c
how u save vals into var
var = something, no space
ref var with $
when ur sttng var, don't put $

kw vars
this is, only 4 were gonna deal with, path home shell pwd
path var that we messed with
home always points to home dir
shell refers to shell thats running
pwd is curr dir

positional vars
$1 $2
rmbr past 9 we have to do full var notation
var for all positional vars is $* or $@
numb of pos vars is $#

how do we del var?
Unset command

[ expansion? (don't care)
seq command, which allws u to do num sequences
sometimes it's conv to gen sequence of nums
if it's seq 1 and then another numb, 1 10, then it's 1-10, if it's 1 2 10, then it's 1 to 10 stepping 2
middle num is step param
seq gens numbs

~ exp
~ usrnm, vs. ~/usrnm
~usrnm refs usr, so you can chng to a usrs home by that
but if you put ~/ that means ur home dir and everything after tha is dir

agn, know those strucs in that table
arithmetic expansion $(())
but u can also do any arithmetic

cmd subs which is $()
that struc gwets subs with output of command that's in there

lst is review contrl strucs,
which is if then, test stuff
bracket rep for test
if then else
if then
for loops
for in
and for
while loop
until loop
also case

just nd undrstnd strucs

nd to know struc of func is correct and logic is corr
Dude you are you still in school? A professional student? I like it.

Had some bad advisement and didn't take a lot of classes I needed, also my dad forced me to stay at community college for another year, which was almost entirely useless, in order to look over my brother in his last year of high school while he was away in the military.

Had some bad advisement and didn't take a lot of classes I needed, also my dad forced me to stay at community college for another year, which was almost entirely useless, in order to look over my brother in his last year of high school while he was away in the military.


Don't feel bad. You'll still be finished with school before me. I mean, yes I am double majored, but still.