Experts Call For 15 Days Of Counting To Flatten The Curve Of Votes For Trump

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

After a spike in votes for Trump occurred on election night, experts are calling for 15 days of counting to flatten the curve of votes for the "wrong candidate."

While some scientists recommended just letting the votes for Trump be counted fairly until we all achieve herd immunity to Trump, others said we need to lock down the vote-counting places, and make sure no Republican observers can get inside, in order to kill off Trump.

"If we all band together and allow just 15 days of counting, we can flatten the curve of votes for Trump," said HRC fan-boy Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The CDC, WHO, and China are all backing the plan, saying it is "SCIENCE!" and anyone who is opposed to it is "ANTI-SCIENCE!"

At publishing time, the experts had revised their recommendation to at least 8 months of counting to flatten the curve.