Experts: China a ‘Wild Card’ for Ending Pandemic; China’s COVID-19 ‘Chaos’: Fever Dru


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Experts: China a ‘Wild Card’ for Ending Pandemic; China’s COVID-19 ‘Chaos’: Fever Drug Shortage


China in Focus

Experts are calling China’s sudden U-turn on virus policy a “#WildCard” for the globe. How will China’s current COVID-19 #Outbreak play out on the global stage? #FeverDrugs are out of stock in China. A U-turn in the country’s COVID-19 policy is catching drugmakers off guard and shaking the global supply chain. Millions of people in China have been told to keep going to work even if they test positive for COVID-19. A federal appeals court rejected a bid from a Chinese telecom giant. The company was trying to repeal a ban on its U.S. services. Relations between Australia and China appear to be warming. Their foreign ministers met Wednesday in Beijing. Is India preparing for a conflict with China? Anger is boiling over in the country—after a clash with China along a disputed border.