APP - Explain these contradictory positions


Former Vice President
Liberals constantly fret about President Trump turning us into some fascist police state. Now he has never stated that as a goal of his and I have yet to see any evidence of him trying to do so. But, it is a constant stated fear of many lefties.

Conversely we have muslims who have it as a stated goal to advance sharia on western countries, either by the sword or silent acquiescence On this point liberals manifestly state that it is impossible. That there is no way, no how muslims could ever impose their way of life on us.

So how could #1 happen yet #2 can't? What safeguards are in place for #2 that aren't in place for #1?

Can any liberal explain the contradiction?
Liberals constantly fret about President Trump turning us into some fascist police state. Now he has never stated that as a goal of his and I have yet to see any evidence of him trying to do so. But, it is a constant stated fear of many lefties.

Conversely we have muslims who have it as a stated goal to advance sharia on western countries, either by the sword or silent acquiescence On this point liberals manifestly state that it is impossible. That there is no way, no how muslims could ever impose their way of life on us.

So how could #1 happen yet #2 can't? What safeguards are in place for #2 that aren't in place for #1?

Can any liberal explain the contradiction?

Do you not understand that just because something is someone's stated goal, that does not mean it will happen?

Marco Rubio's stated goal is to be president of the United States, that does not mean it will happen. These positions are not contradictory.
Do you not understand that just because something is someone's stated goal, that does not mean it will happen?

Marco Rubio's stated goal is to be president of the United States, that does not mean it will happen. These positions are not contradictory.

OK, let's leave out for a second that it is their stated goal.

Why do you think sharia law will never come to our shores but Trump will usher in fascism? What is in place to allow fascism but forestall sharia?