APP - Explaining the BOGUS Puerto Rico death toll - THE REAL FACTS

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I will take this opportunity to correct the record and expose the bogus "study" that is trying to artificially inflate the death toll from Hurricane Maria, but first a little context.

You have to remember that the left has only three plays in its playbook and they have thrown every single one of them at President Trump

1) Recreate Richard Nixon and Watergate - See Robert Mueller
2) Smear them publicly with some sex scandal - See Stormy Daniels
3) Recreate Hurricane Katrina - See Hurricane Maria

In the left's mind, they were able to use Hurricane Katrina to politically damage President Bush and conversely they believe that it led to the democrat party retaking the House and Senate in 2006. So obviously they want to be the Houston Gamblers and bring back the Run N Shoot offense.

When Hurricane Maria hit, it didn't take the left long to politicize the hell out of it from the left wing Mayor ignoring her duties and her people to virtue signal all over the airwaves that President Trump was ignoring them. But, what the left didn't tell people is that Puerto Rico was plagued with all sorts of infrastructure problems before Maria ever made landfall that made any type of rescue and aid difficult.

President Trump stepped up and provided a phenomenal response. Of course the left was never going to admit that. The official death toll from Puerto Rico was 64. That wasn't good enough for the left. They needed Katrina/9-11 like death toll to make anything stick to President Trump.

So they launched their "research studies" to try to prove that Trump is responsible for more deaths. This so called study was paid for by the democrat governor of Puerto Rico

The GWU report has a limitation: It does not specify how people died. It is a statistical study based on death records and expected mortality rates. The researchers said they hope to conduct a more detailed investigation in the future.

The GWU report has a MAJOR limitation: It does not specify how people died. It is a statistical study based on death records and expected mortality rates. The researchers said they hope to conduct a more detailed investigation in the future.

“We can come up with a hundred different hypotheses,” said Lynn Goldman, dean of the Milken Institute School of Public Health. She offered as an example the long-term lack of electricity, which prevented the use of some medical devices. “What we don’t have is the ability today to tell you these are the factors that caused this.”

Here are the other MAJOR flaws in the study. It was based on ASSUMPTIONS or as lay people would say GUESSES

1) They compared predicted fatalities to observed fatalities between September 2017 and February 2018.
2) They ASSUMED a population loss of 300,000 residents due to the hurricane.
3) They ASSUMED that 13,633 should have died in that five month time span
4) 16,608 Puerto Ricans died during that time frame. Then it is simple 16,608-13,633 = 2,975 extra deaths
5) They ASSUMED that every single death was attributable to Hurricane Maria

Interestingly enough 77% of the "extra" deaths were greater than 65 years of age

This so called "study" is bogus from beginning to end.

That said, the 64 number probably underestimates the death toll from Maria and it is a fair assumption that more people died later due to complications of the aftermath of the Hurricane. I can understand wanting to get to an accurate number, but people need to not buy into sketchy science using mathematical models

You are welcome