APP - exploitation of newtown tragedy by 'victim'

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
the first lawsuit has been filed in the newtown shooting tragedy

MERIDEN, Connecticut (Reuters) - A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 26 children and adults dead two weeks ago.
The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.
"As a consequence, the ... child has sustained emotional and psychological trauma and injury, the nature and extent of which are yet to be determined," the claim said.
Pinsky said he filed a claim on Thursday with state Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr., whose office must give permission before a lawsuit can be filed against the state.
"We all know its going to happen again," Pinsky said on Friday. "Society has to take action."
Twenty children and six adults were shot dead on December 14 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The children were all 6 and 7 years old.
Pinsky's claim said that the state Board of Education, Department of Education and Education Commissioner had failed to take appropriate steps to protect children from "foreseeable harm."
It was just a matter of time before the whores came crawling out of the woodwork.
"We all know its going to happen again," Pinsky said on Friday. "Society has to take action."

Translation: We all know its going to happen again, and I'm going to make a truck load of money each time it happens.
Ah the wonderful world where Emotional Trauma can be paid for with bags and bags of cash, how long before the first soldier sues the government for "trauma"?