Exposing the Communist Forces, Including China, Behind US Election Integrity Issues:


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Exposing the Communist Forces, Including China, Behind US Election Integrity Issues: Trevor Loudon | Facts Matter


Facts Matter
Roman Balmakov

About two weeks ago, I attended an event in Arizona organized by True the Vote, the research team behind the film “2000 Mules.” They’re the ones who essentially used surveillance footage and cell phone ping data to uncover a ballot trafficking scheme, which allegedly played itself out across the entire country. And at this event in Arizona, there were multiple speakers who got up on stage and presented their findings as well as their analysis of the current situation.

Trevor Loudon gave a speech detailing how the election integrity issues that we’re seeing play out across this entire nation are actually part of a broader plan by forces who wish to see this country fall to forces like the Chinese Communist Party, and their many affiliates.
