Exposing Thing1's lie

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So Thingy likes to say that he was right in predicting that Comey cost Hillary Clinton the election. Yes, it is true that when Comey first came out with his announcement Thingy said it would cost her the election.


Thingy didn't leave it there. Here is what Thingy said in the final days leading up to and including the day before the election. His words

It's a real tribute to how the public views Trump that the FBI letter didn't sink Hillary. Yesterday & today's polls look very good for her. I think she gets FL and breaks 300.

….I think she gets over 300 electoral votes, and it's over early. The biggest story of election day will be the Latino vote. Trump lost the election with his 1st speech about Mexican immigrants.

Aw, too bad. The Philly transit strike just ended. I know some on the right were really counting on that.

Between that & Comey's announcement yesterday, Clinton has all the momentum heading into tomorrow.

Does this sound like a guy who thinks Comey is going to cost Hillary the election? Sorry Thingy, but your lies won't fly around here.
thing1 completely devastated. what a tasty thread.

thing1's lies about this shows how much he's bothered by it too. big time.

:thing1: :magabros: