Extra: A Cartoon Biography - Anything For Power


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Extra: A Cartoon Biography - Anything For Power
The real story of China's Jiang Zemin
Author: Epochtime
Artist: Tong Zhou*
Editors: Tu long, Meng Yuan

1-1: Jiang Zemin’s Traitor Father
1-2: Like Father Like Son
1-3: A Spy Under The Skirt
2-1: A Self Made “Foster Son”
2-2: A Bargaining Cuckold
2-3: “Braggart Jiang”
2-4:Flip-flopping Social Climbing
3-1: A Try Out Of Iron Wrist
3-2: A Fawner With Jealousy And Contempt
3-3: Censorship With A Vengeance
4-1: Support For The Massacre Won Him The Throne
4-2: A Two-Faced Man
4-3: The Two Con Men
4-4: A Turf War
4-5: The “Core Leader”
4-6: The Corrupted Fighting Corruption
4-7: Murder, They Said
5-1: Disguising Maasacre
5-2: Anxious And Uneasy
5-3: All The Chairman’s Men
5-4: The Mercenary Officers
5-5:Corrupting The Military With Sex And Money
5-6: Fearing Democracy, Intimidating Taiwan
5-7: “The Clown”
5-8: The Hiding Turtle
5-9: The Traitor To China
6-1: The Spread Of Falun Gong
6-2: The CCP Knew
6-3: The Mud-Slinger
6-4: The Hidden Agenda
6-5: An Easy Target
6-6: The Crackdown
6-7: Plugging The Hole
6-8: Evils Broke Loose
6-9: State-Terrorism Overseas
610: False Fire
611: The Fake Evidence
612: An Epic Endeavor
613: Two Brave Hearts Sued Jiang In Beijing
614: Nets Above And Snares Below
615: A New Evil Unseen In The Planet
7-1: “First Lady” Song Zuying(1)
7-2: “First Lady” Song Zuying(2)
7-3: Collision Of The Two Yings
7-4: A Hideous Liaison
7-5: Jiang’s Lustful Delight
7-6: The Most Corrupted Man
7-7: Escapades Of Nepotism
8-1: Winning Politically At All Costs To The Nation
8-2: Jiang’s Ghost Writers
8-3: Gaining Through Calamities
8-4: Bravo, Hongkong!
8-5: A Rascal Underneath
8-6: King Of Toads
9-1: Resentment From Hell
9-2: The Mystery Cave
9-3: The Grand Finale

1-1: Jiang Zemin’s Traitor Father


One – A Family Of Traitors
1 – Jiang Zemin’s traitor father

In1915, Jiang Ze-mn’s grandfather, Jiang Shi-xi, a doctor of Chinese medicine ventured into business. Jiang Shi-xi had seven children. The eldest child Jiang Shi–jun was Jiang Ze-min’s father. Jiang Ze-min has an older sister Jiang Ze-fen, and a younger sister Jiang Ze-nan, and a younger brother Jiang Ze-kuan.

In 1940 Wang Jing-wei set up the puppet Japanese government in Nanjing. He was in need of much man power, and a range of talents, from ministers to clerks. It’s for this reason that brazen intellectuals, crooked merchants, jobless has-been politicians and former officials swarmed to Nanjing. So did Jiang Ze-min’s father, Jiang Shi-jun.

He was appointed as a vice minister in the ministry of propaganda, and made the head member of the Institution’s Editorial Committee. He also worked under Hu Lan-cheng, the main staff writer of the China Daily. He was in charge of the daily operation in the ministry. He feared that his work for the Japanese could come back to haunt him, therefore, changed his name to Jiang Guan-qian.

Both literature and electrical engineering were hobbies for Jiang Shi-jun, and he devoted much time to the two pursuits, working for the Japanese. Jiang Shi-jun had also made a careful study of Nazi’s propaganda tactics.

He single-handedly organized a so-called Exhibition of Military Successes, in the Pacific Region of the Great Crusade of East Asia, in which he applied the propaganda techniques he had learnt, and his knowledge of electrical engineering, so as to depict, fully with sound and light effects, air and naval Warfare, between the US and Japan, suggesting the Japanese Army’s Bushido spirit, and symbolizing the permanent military power the Army enjoyed. Through all of this, the audience would be given the impression, that the Japanese invaders were unconquerable, and would forever occupy China.

Jiang Shi-jun used to make an annual show of cultural patronage by holding a grand ceremony in honor of Confucius. He would orchestrate a performance consisting of, as prescribed by Confucian Doctrines, eight rolls of dancers, follow the rites, as prescribed for a king in the Book of Rites, and offer three sacrifices of pork, beef and lamb, and after the ceremonies, mince the three sacrifices and send them to officials in the ministries and bureaus of the puppet Japanese government.

He also employed the folk style propaganda. He reworked a Budhist folk tradition, the Feast of All Souls festival, for his own purposes, organized a grand version of the festival, that had lanterns floating on local waters, and found in it means to falsely suggest peace and prosperity, in the aftermath of, and so as to help people forget, the terrible Nanjing Massacre, only a few years before. Spectators were anesthetized to the grim historical reality, so recent still, perpetrated at the hands of the Japanese regime.

He published a children’s picture book, entitled “A History of British American Aggression Against China”, intending to stir up hatred towards the two nations, while eulogizing the greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere.

Along with this, Jiang Shi-jun helped, to plan the production of “A Legacy That Will Live Forever”, a movie, the goal of which was to bash Britain and America. Using a large sum of money, he solicited the help of a famous director, and further invited a movie star, to play the part of the Qin dynasty official, Lin Ze-xu. The effort masticated history, as we know it, so as to suit the needs of Japanese forces, and incite hatred against the United States.

So that his eldest son might one day outshine others, Jiang Shi-jun sent Jiang Ze-min to an expensive high school, Yangzhou High School, and then later to Central University, which was run by Wang Jing Wei’s puppet government. From a young age, Jiang Ze-min was enrolled in piano lessons. That wealth would accrue in the Jiang family at that time, and through the dealings of a traitor, no less, was most extraordinary, for those were the years when the ordinary Chinese found it’s hard to just make ends meet.

Jiang Ze-min would live up to his father’s expectations learning to sing, dance, play musical instruments, and even know something of Peking and the Canton Opera.

Although he was busy with his job everyday, Jiang Shi-jun always found time to earnestly and tirelessly teach his son,Jiang Ze-min. It was then that Jiang Ze-min realized power and money get things done. Jiang Ze-min knew the power of media, a weapon he had come to understand before he was even 15 years of age.

Jiang Ze-min has long been fond of the lashes scenery, in the life of opulence, alongside the Qin Huai River. The invading Japanese Army, for political purposes, made celebrity of a Japanese actress Li Xiang-lan, known as the Imperial Flower. Jiang Ze-min has always had trouble keeping pretty ladies off his mind, with Li Xiang-lan being no exception.

The combination of his father’s influence, and the propaganda tactics gleaned from the CCP, made Jiang Ze-min an even more skilled propagandist than his father. And the money the son spent on propaganda was of course far greater. The deceit of his father hardly compares with that of Jiang Ze-min, be it in scope, or depth.