Exxon Mobil Posts Record Annual Profit


Villified User
Exxon Mobil Posts Record Annual Profit

Feb 01 9:47 AM US/Eastern

AP Business Writer

HOUSTON (AP) -- Oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. on Thursday posted the largest annual profit by a U.S. company _ $39.5 billion _ even as earnings for the last quarter of 2006 declined 4 percent.

The 2006 profit topped Exxon Mobil's own previous record of $36.13 billion set in 2005.

Revenue at the world's largest publicly traded oil company rose to $377.64 billion for the year, surpassing the record $370.68 billion Exxon posted in 2005.

"Exxon Mobil continued to leverage its globally diverse resource base to bring additional crude oil and natural gas to market," Rex W. Tillerson, chairman of the Irvin, Texas-based company, said in a statement.

Exxon Mobil's record annual earnings followed a year of extraordinarily high energy prices as crude oil topped $78 a barrel in the summer _ driving up average gasoline prices in the United States to more than $3 a gallon. Prices retreated later in the year.


Not good timing for exxon, The senate will now have a hard time not passing the bill that makes the oil companies pay royalties on govt drilling sites.
But . . . but we have to give them incentives to make even more profit! Surely you see that they won't do it on their own?
Of course they need taxpayer funded incentives ;) But isn't the Iraq war enough ?
Poor Exxon, Hugo is draining them dry on profit to keep some for his country. Shame on that commie bassid.
you guys should have taken home economics in hs.
They should post record profits each year because of inflation.
What dipstick USC left out was their 4th gtr was down 4%.
Gasoline has gone up less than inflation for 30yrs, and its dirt cheap.
You will not see the senate pass anything that hurts our domestic production in a huge way because unlike you two a few of them actually understand the business.
Regardless, I prob make more if they do something harmfull they will drive up the price of oil. BAM
nope a lowely financial analyst, wish I was a lobbies I'd make double what I do.
I post our profits when we release tomorrow for you furthur bashing.
Just commenting on how this will make it difficult for the senate to not pass the bill that restores the oil cos obligation to pay the US people for the oil they get from them. and possibly reduce some tax breaks they have, because they obviously do not need them to remain profitable and viable.
these anti-oil pin heads don't have the first clue about Google's earnings unless moveon.dipship complanes about them.
I did not mention windfall Tax Damo. Why do you want to windfall tax the oil companies ?
I just want them to pay what they should have been paying all along.
Nah. I was going back in time to the last time they reported record earnings.. People were completely willing to go ahead and windfall tax them. So, I was making a dry comment about it. Hence, I did not quote anybody during the post.
you guys should have taken home economics in hs.
They should post record profits each year because of inflation.
What dipstick USC left out was their 4th gtr was down 4%.
Gasoline has gone up less than inflation for 30yrs, and its dirt cheap.
You will not see the senate pass anything that hurts our domestic production in a huge way because unlike you two a few of them actually understand the business.
Regardless, I prob make more if they do something harmfull they will drive up the price of oil. BAM

Yes, home economics would be an excellent course to take to discover that.