Face it we are screwed.


Villified User
Who on here lives on either Wall Street or Main Street ? Those are the only 2 streets that our government is concerned with.
Who on here lives on either Wall Street or Main Street ? Those are the only 2 streets that our government is concerned with.

You keep repeating this as if you think it is cute or brilliant or something. The fact is, our government is concerned with staying in power, nothing more. The Wall Street residents pay their bills, the Main Street residents give them votes. They can't stay in power if either of these abandon them, so they will continue to pander as they have.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury.
--Alexander Tytler

This is our first and foremost problem. We are a spoiled society, accustomed to getting whatever we want, whenever we want it. We are like a nation of out-of-control 6 year olds, with no collective pragmatic sense of reason. Our "Mom" has become Government, we look to "Mom" to give us more candy, and if we don't get it, we throw ourselves in the floor and proceed to kick, scream and throw a temper tantrum. Politicians are like the typical "Dr. Spock" parent, who doesn't believe in spanking or discipline, and will hopelessly attempt to reason with 'Little Billy' as he dismantles the store.

Secondly, we are a stupid society. We have those who have divided our nation into "sports teams" which they will pick a favorite, and root for the win, no matter how absurd the result. They have lost all sense of unity as a nation, this is their team against the other team, and nothing else matters. Others are completely tuned out of politics, and simply 'follow' whatever the popular crowd is following at the moment. They see government as a great big reality show, and their 'vote' is largely influenced by popular opinion of the moment.

Finally, we are a lost society. We have completely lost our way, and any understanding of the principles of our founding and basis of our existence. We have people who openly question whether we should even have a democracy or republic, and advocate pure fascist socialism and communism instead. This in spite of the fact that these governmental models have consistently led to tyranny and despair for the people, and erosion of any and all personal freedom and liberty. They have read a book by some pinhead who makes a convincing argument for tearing down our form of government, and they are brainwashed into believing this crap, because they lack the fundamental understanding of what makes America great. Secular progressives have waged all out war on religion for the past 50 years, and the only entity currently battling them, are the evangelical Christians.

Yep... We are screwed, because the chances of America collectively waking up to the problems before it's too late, are slim to none.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
- Thomas Jefferson

well now, i guess those radical extremists might have known a damned thing or two, eh?
You keep repeating this as if you think it is cute or brilliant or something. The fact is, our government is concerned with staying in power, nothing more. The Wall Street residents pay their bills, the Main Street residents give them votes. They can't stay in power if either of these abandon them, so they will continue to pander as they have.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury.
--Alexander Tytler

This is our first and foremost problem. We are a spoiled society, accustomed to getting whatever we want, whenever we want it. We are like a nation of out-of-control 6 year olds, with no collective pragmatic sense of reason. Our "Mom" has become Government, we look to "Mom" to give us more candy, and if we don't get it, we throw ourselves in the floor and proceed to kick, scream and throw a temper tantrum. Politicians are like the typical "Dr. Spock" parent, who doesn't believe in spanking or discipline, and will hopelessly attempt to reason with 'Little Billy' as he dismantles the store.

Secondly, we are a stupid society. We have those who have divided our nation into "sports teams" which they will pick a favorite, and root for the win, no matter how absurd the result. They have lost all sense of unity as a nation, this is their team against the other team, and nothing else matters. Others are completely tuned out of politics, and simply 'follow' whatever the popular crowd is following at the moment. They see government as a great big reality show, and their 'vote' is largely influenced by popular opinion of the moment.

Finally, we are a lost society. We have completely lost our way, and any understanding of the principles of our founding and basis of our existence. We have people who openly question whether we should even have a democracy or republic, and advocate pure fascist socialism and communism instead. This in spite of the fact that these governmental models have consistently led to tyranny and despair for the people, and erosion of any and all personal freedom and liberty. They have read a book by some pinhead who makes a convincing argument for tearing down our form of government, and they are brainwashed into believing this crap, because they lack the fundamental understanding of what makes America great. Secular progressives have waged all out war on religion for the past 50 years, and the only entity currently battling them, are the evangelical Christians.

Yep... We are screwed, because the chances of America collectively waking up to the problems before it's too late, are slim to none.

hey my great grand parents survived the great depression and so will my family.

That's how I think. I remember my grandma telling me so many stories of the great depression. My grandmother kept the family afloat by sewing leather gloves. She was a great seamstress, and fast. It was piece work. She managed to survive that way. It feels good knowing that's what you come from, right?
Mine would raise chickens in their back yard along with veggies. They could fix and make anything. My Grandmother could crochet you a blanket in a couple of days. They would walk to town to save the quarter to ride the bus. They raised a family of three kids in a house that I swear was under 1000 feet. The nieghbors all had each others backs. Im named after my Moms favorite nieghbor who was like a third Mom to her. her second Mom was her mothers sister who was a nanny for a wealthy family and never married or had kids. They found ways to survive.
That's how I think. I remember my grandma telling me so many stories of the great depression. My grandmother kept the family afloat by sewing leather gloves. She was a great seamstress, and fast. It was piece work. She managed to survive that way. It feels good knowing that's what you come from, right?

Yeah, my grandma did pretty much the same thing, except decades after the Depression she was still doing sewing and alterations as a part-time job to make money for the family. She actually had a degree in home ec. from the U of Nebraska...
My great-great-great grandfather kept his (now defunct) lumber business open by shifting loans between two different banks, and he was able to pay it off after FDR saved America.
My grandparents survived the depression by going from farming cash crops to subsistance farming, and my grandfather took a job in a chair factory. He hated it, but he had kids to feed.

My Dad was born in 1925, so he grew up in the middle of the depression in Mississippi. He said he had no idea how poor they were because everyone was in the same boat.