APP - Facebook investigates itself and finds Facebook not guilty



This whole thing is quite funny. Of course Facebook has left wingers working for it. And of course they have bias in the things that they push out whether intentional or not. But, who cares?

I don't think John Thune has any business sending Facebook letters asking them about these practices. This is not the role of government. People should be more outraged by Thune's actions than anything Facebook is or isn't doing. If you don't like that Facebook has enough conservative viewpoints then move on to something else that does. You do not have an inalienable right to have your views espoused on Facebook or any other forum for that matter.

John Thune should be ashamed of himself. I expect this behavior out of the democrat party.
Mark zuckerburg is face cancer.

Maybe so, but we as individuals have more power over Zuckerberg than he has over us. Zuckerberg can do nothing to me personally. I don't use Facebook. Does it matter to him that I don't? Probably not. But, if enough people decided that Facebook was no longer useful for him then he would mind
Maybe so, but we as individuals have more power over Zuckerberg than he has over us. Zuckerberg can do nothing to me personally. I don't use Facebook. Does it matter to him that I don't? Probably not. But, if enough people decided that Facebook was no longer useful for him then he would mind

Mark zuckerburg has some lot of power, regardless of your shameless protofascist blathering.

Anti privacy globalist corporate slam hounds like zuckerburg should be demonized regularly.
Facebook should be suppressing news from hate sites like Breitbart. Why should frothing at the mouth craziness get shared to the Facebook general public?