Facebook Threatens Legal Action Against Employers Asking for Your Password

I think that they are drawing a line in the sand, which should hopefully scare the shit out of any unscrupulous employers.

you have a point. my wife has been asked questions that are absolutely illegal to ask....doesn't stop the employer from asking. i've been asked questions, when i was first looking for work, that are absolutely illegal, such as - religious questions. i could have made a stink, but i would have gotten nowhere.

the law is there to help us, not to completely protect us.
It's a violation of your contract with facebook to give out your password to others. Employers can't ask their employees to do something illegal.
They are also threatening, at least by the rules, to sue those who give their passwords up to employers. Basically they say they are protecting the privacy of your friends if you are desperate enough to cough up your password for a possible employer.

It is not okay for your employer to get to this level of information. I fully support this.

If I were job searching now I would delete my account before I started sending in my resume.