Fact-checkers in the news

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
More often than not, what they dole out is not a fact-check but an opinion claiming another opinion is wrong.

For senile Biden, it’s a ‘what he meant to say’ interference piece when he says something demonstrably false, like his remarks on the COVID vaccine.

During a recent CNN town hall, dementia Joe said that there wasn’t a COVID vaccine prior to him becoming president. Some folks called him out because there’s simply no defending abject stupidity here, but here comes PolitiFact with their ‘in context’ post to prop up slow Joe.

That brings us to why this was even published when Joe lied. Joe and his crime family have ties to China. So does PolitiFact. Its founder is a shill for Communist China

The U.S.-China Education Trust, which has collaborated with Chinese Communist Party propaganda fronts and trained journalist from state-run media outlets, counts involvement from “fact check” website Politifact founder Bill Adair, and dementia patient Biden’s “right hand” on China Kurt Campbell.

The group holds conferences that have repeatedly enjoyed participation from the Secretary-General of the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), an organization that is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front effort which, according to the U.S. government, aims to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”

The group hosts a China-based ‘Journalist in Residence’ program, allowing American journalists from establishment outlets such as The New York Times to live in China and work alongside state-run, Chinese Communist media outlets.

Among the outlets American journalists work alongside are China Global Television Network and China Central Television – both described as “long-standing weapons in Beijing’s arsenal of repression” designed “to attack designated enemies of the Communist Party.”

The group’s "Journalist in Residence" was the founder and contributing editor of Politifact, Bill Adair.

Maybe worse than PolitiFact is Snopes, who actually admitted that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was not in the Capitol Building during the January 6 riot, but still said that the allegations of her exaggerating the level of danger she was in were ‘mostly false.’

This is the era of so-called fact-checking, which is, as you already know, just another trench, moat, wall, or fortification to shield the liberal media from being raked over the coals for their lies. And the China connection here is, well, it explains why a lot of outlets and organizations are not keen on criticizing Beijing. That goes double for Alzheimer's Joe in the Oval Office.

Snopes says it’s a ‘mixture’ of true and false that Biden forgot the name of his defense secretary
