Facts that liberals wont like


on indefiniate mod break
trump is not going to be impeached

trump was legitimately elected, which means clinton legitimately lost. trump is your official 45th president

trump is normal. trump is what america is about. you can't change any of this.

the media lied to you at stalin levels of propaganda

you were utterly wrong as usual. I was correct. You were not.

Russia collusion was FAKE NEWS.
trump is not going to be impeached

trump was legitimately elected, which means clinton legitimately lost. trump is your official 45th president

trump is normal. trump is what america is about. you can't change any of this.

the media lied to you at stalin levels of propaganda

you were utterly wrong as usual. I was correct. You were not.

Russia collusion was FAKE NEWS.

Well, some of those are yet to be determined, and others, already known;

No one knows if Trump will be impeached, Pelosi had declared against it, and if he is the basis won't be the Mueller Report, although it could be if we ever see the Mueller Report

Everyone knows Trump was elected, the supposed envy over the election is totally a Trump fabrication which you obviously swallowed

And if Trump is "what a America is all about" we're in big trouble, having a history of lying, cheating on your pregnant wife, and screwing people over to mention a few qualities isn't what isn't quite what I see America representing

Media didn't lie, facts where always there before and after Mueller, ie, Don Jr did eagerly meet with Russians and the Russian media effort did favor Trump

Lastly, if the self congratulatory comment is what makes you happy, have at it
trump is not going to be impeached

trump was legitimately elected, which means clinton legitimately lost. trump is your official 45th president

trump is normal. trump is what america is about. you can't change any of this.

the media lied to you at stalin levels of propaganda

you were utterly wrong as usual. I was correct. You were not.

Russia collusion was FAKE NEWS.

So you think that this tricky Dick Slick Willy Barr dolling up Mueller's Report and making it all pretty for Donald Trump and his ass-kissers is going to take the heat off of Donald Trump is total ignorance on your part! I have never witnessed such gullible pretentiousness and wishful thinking!

You fell for some bullshit! That's all!

Well, the vocal and voting majority- something Donald Trump has never had, in his court, is not buying the bullshit!

This was just another act of Obstruction of Justice and more covering up and the usual denial by Donald Trump and his power-hungry self-important cronies.

Dance on you idiots and drink it up!

But the investigations are just starting!

The American people are wide awake and know what is going on!

No one is fooled by the phony BARR report!
trump is not going to be impeached

trump was legitimately elected, which means clinton legitimately lost. trump is your official 45th president

trump is normal. trump is what america is about. you can't change any of this.

the media lied to you at stalin levels of propaganda

you were utterly wrong as usual. I was correct. You were not.

Russia collusion was FAKE NEWS.

Well, some of those are yet to be determined, and others, already known;

No one knows if Trump will be impeached, Pelosi had declared against it, and if he is the basis won't be the Mueller Report, although it could be if we ever see the Mueller Report

Everyone knows Trump was elected, the supposed envy over the election is totally a Trump fabrication which you obviously swallowed

And if Trump is "what a America is all about" we're in big trouble, having a history of lying, cheating on your pregnant wife, and screwing people over to mention a few qualities isn't what isn't quite what I see America representing

Media didn't lie, facts where always there before and after Mueller, ie, Don Jr did eagerly meet with Russians and the Russian media effort did favor Trump

Lastly, if the self congratulatory comment is what makes you happy, have at it

trump is not going to be impeached

trump was legitimately elected, which means clinton legitimately lost. trump is your official 45th president

trump is normal. trump is what america is about. you can't change any of this.

the media lied to you at stalin levels of propaganda

you were utterly wrong as usual. I was correct. You were not.

Russia collusion was FAKE NEWS.

Why are you channeling Legion?
So you think that this tricky Dick Slick Willy Barr dolling up Mueller's Report and making it all pretty for Donald Trump and his ass-kissers is going to take the heat off of Donald Trump is total ignorance on your part! I have never witnessed such gullible pretentiousness and wishful thinking!

You fell for some bullshit! That's all!

Well, the vocal and voting majority- something Donald Trump has never had, in his court, is not buying the bullshit!

This was just another act of Obstruction of Justice and more covering up and the usual denial by Donald Trump and his power-hungry self-important cronies.

Dance on you idiots and drink it up!

But the investigations are just starting!

The American people are wide awake and know what is going on!

No one is fooled by the phony BARR report!

trump is not going to be impeached

trump was legitimately elected, which means clinton legitimately lost. trump is your official 45th president

trump is normal. trump is what america is about. you can't change any of this.

the media lied to you at stalin levels of propaganda

you were utterly wrong as usual. I was correct. You were not.

Russia collusion was FAKE NEWS.

Trump is not normal