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Premiered Sep 3, 2021

The First
119K subscribers
A humanitarian crisis at the border. An economy in tailspin. Crime running rampant. And a tragedy in Afghanistan. In just nine months, President Joe Biden has managed to make a mess of just about every issue facing the United States. In this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck (Sexton) takes a look at the Biden Presidency so far, and illustrates why it can be summarized in one word: failure.


Premiered Sep 3, 2021

The First
119K subscribers
A humanitarian crisis at the border. An economy in tailspin. Crime running rampant. And a tragedy in Afghanistan. In just nine months, President Joe Biden has managed to make a mess of just about every issue facing the United States. In this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck (Sexton) takes a look at the Biden Presidency so far, and illustrates why it can be summarized in one word: failure.

when you pull snot out of your ass all you have is an empty ass
when you pull snot out of your ass all you have is an empty ass

You are the expert on ass, excrement, nose-to-anus action and snottiness.

I will view your posts as Public Service Announcements similar to the TV spots done by cigarette smokers who have developed stage 4 cancer and speak with voice boxes.

Your equivalent makes you sound like you are farting whenever you talk.


You: *Pffffffft*

The First
119K subscribers

Is the first thing that runs through your mind when you wake up 'What did Biden do now?' Ours too... In this special, Jesse's expert panel will review the three biggest ongoing disasters Joe Biden and his (deliberately?) incompetent cohorts have manufactured. No doubt all are grave and more American lives will be lost as a result of the plundered economy, the killer catastrophe in Afghanistan, and the human hemorrhage at the border. All of them continue to send Biden's poll numbers south, but which is the absolute worst?


Premiered Sep 3, 2021

The First
119K subscribers
A humanitarian crisis at the border. An economy in tailspin. Crime running rampant. And a tragedy in Afghanistan. In just nine months, President Joe Biden has managed to make a mess of just about every issue facing the United States. In this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck (Sexton) takes a look at the Biden Presidency so far, and illustrates why it can be summarized in one word: failure.

What can I say?

Joe Biden put a beating on Trump from here to hell and back.

Joe Biden may, in your warped mind, be a failure...but he kicked Trumps ass to the tune of 7,000,000 more popular votes...and whipped Trump by a landslide in the Electoral College.


No failure there!

You are the expert on ass, excrement, nose-to-anus action and snottiness.

I will view your posts as Public Service Announcements similar to the TV spots done by cigarette smokers who have developed stage 4 cancer and speak with voice boxes.

Your equivalent makes you sound like you are farting whenever you talk.


You: *Pffffffft*

when you pull snot out of your ass all you have is an empty ass

The First
119K subscribers

Is the first thing that runs through your mind when you wake up 'What did Biden do now?' Ours too... In this special, Jesse's expert panel will review the three biggest ongoing disasters Joe Biden and his (deliberately?) incompetent cohorts have manufactured. No doubt all are grave and more American lives will be lost as a result of the plundered economy, the killer catastrophe in Afghanistan, and the human hemorrhage at the border. All of them continue to send Biden's poll numbers south, but which is the absolute worst?

Biden beat Trump in 2020 so get over it. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

What can I say?

Joe Biden put a beating on Trump from here to hell and back.

Joe Biden may, in your warped mind, be a failure...but he kicked Trumps ass to the tune of 7,000,000 more popular votes...and whipped Trump by a landslide in the Electoral College.


No failure there!


It doesn't have the same luster when you steal the election because deep inside everyone knows you are a fake. A phony. A pretender.

An impostor. Bogus.

Unqualified. Inadequate. Undeserving. Stolen valor. Second best. B-rated. Low rent. Second rate. Not up to snuff. Off brand. Cut rate. Second-shelf.

And if you don't care about any of that it is because even an undeserved title and the power that goes with it is better than no title and no power.

You guys are inferior.

Biden is Brand X.
It doesn't have the same luster when you steal the election because deep inside everyone knows you are a fake. A phony. A pretender.

An impostor. Bogus.

Unqualified. Inadequate. Undeserving. Stolen valor. Second best. B-rated. Low rent. Second rate. Not up to snuff. Off brand. Cut rate. Second-shelf.

And if you don't care about any of that it is because even an undeserved title and the power that goes with it is better than no title and no power.

You guys are inferior.

Biden is Brand X.

when you pull snot out of your ass all you have is an empty ass
It doesn't have the same luster when you steal the election because deep inside everyone knows you are a fake. A phony. A pretender.

An impostor. Bogus.

Unqualified. Inadequate. Undeserving. Stolen valor. Second best. B-rated. Low rent. Second rate. Not up to snuff. Off brand. Cut rate. Second-shelf.

And if you don't care about any of that it is because even an undeserved title and the power that goes with it is better than no title and no power.

You guys are inferior.

Biden is Brand X.

Yup, Joe Biden beat the living shit out of that bit of scum you consider your Dear Leader. Kicked his ass from here to eternity and back. Wiped the floor with him.

And according to you, Joe Biden is incompetent.

So that fucking shit stain, Trump, was not only ass-kicked seriously...he was ass-kicked by an incompetent.

At times I'm not sure if Trump is the biggest asshole on the planet...or if his supporters beat him out.
Yup, Joe Biden beat the living shit out of that bit of scum you consider your Dear Leader. Kicked his ass from here to eternity and back. Wiped the floor with him.

And according to you, Joe Biden is incompetent.

So that fucking shit stain, Trump, was not only ass-kicked seriously...he was ass-kicked by an incompetent.

At times I'm not sure if Trump is the biggest asshole on the planet...or if his supporters beat him out.

Despite losing, Trump got more votes than any previous president. That's a fact.

Yes, Biden is incompetent.

Again, yes. Trump was beaten by an incompetent,
only because the "incompetent" voted for him.

Yes, you are "unsure." You confuse those of us who voted
for Trump as "worshiping" him, just as the incompetent do.

Premiered Sep 3, 2021

The First
119K subscribers
A humanitarian crisis at the border. An economy in tailspin. Crime running rampant. And a tragedy in Afghanistan. In just nine months, President Joe Biden has managed to make a mess of just about every issue facing the United States. In this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck (Sexton) takes a look at the Biden Presidency so far, and illustrates why it can be summarized in one word: failure.

the border policy is exactly what trump had. stupid bitch. covid kept anyone from coming, now they are. nothing to do with biden, stupid fuck. the economy is not in a tailspin, crime is not running rampant, and 13 soldiers dying from a terrorist with a bomb strapped to his body is tragic, but nothing to do with biden. we got out of Afghanistan, that is what counts.
Despite losing, Trump got more votes than any previous president. That's a fact.

Yes, Biden is incompetent.

Again, yes. Trump was beaten by an incompetent,
only because the "incompetent" voted for him.

Yes, you are "unsure." You confuse those of us who voted
for Trump as "worshiping" him, just as the incompetent do.

fuck you. you are a traitor. to keep supporting an outgoing president who wanted to overturn the results of a fair election is what chickenshit traitors you. fuck you, traitor. fuck all the traitors that still support traitor trump. trump's incompetence caused hundreds of thousands of extra American deaths from covid and little chickenshit traitors like you whine about biden not being a good public speaker. fuck you.
Despite losing, Trump got more votes than any previous president. That's a fact.

And he lost the popular vote by 7,000,000 votes. 7,000,000 votes! He lost the popular vote in the election he "won" by 3,000,000 votes. Trump is a stone cold loser...winning only because the Electoral College favors conservatives.

Yes, Biden is incompetent.

I think he is far from incompetent...but if people like you want to think him incompetent...y ou gotta remember: He beat your piece of shit by 7,000,000 votes...and in an Electoral College landslide.

Again, yes. Trump was beaten by an incompetent,
only because the "incompetent" voted for him.

The "incompetent" voted for did those who are traitors to America. The competent voted for the winner, Joe Biden.

Yes, you are "unsure." You confuse those of us who voted
for Trump as "worshiping" him, just as the incompetent do.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You assholes do worship him. I understand you denying it. I would also. I'd be every bit as ashamed of myself as you guys are.

No problemo! So you back a stone-cold loser.

And he lost the popular vote by 7,000,000 votes. 7,000,000 votes! He lost the popular vote in the election he "won" by 3,000,000 votes. Trump is a stone cold loser...winning only because the Electoral College favors conservatives.

I think he is far from incompetent...but if people like you want to think him incompetent...y ou gotta remember: He beat your piece of shit by 7,000,000 votes...and in an Electoral College landslide.

The "incompetent" voted for did those who are traitors to America. The competent voted for the winner, Joe Biden.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You assholes do worship him. I understand you denying it. I would also. I'd be every bit as ashamed of myself as you guys are.

No problemo! So you back a stone-cold loser.


Frank, this is why we think you have lost it! TDS is real, and you are severely infected with it.
Frank, this is why we think you have lost it! TDS is real, and you are severely infected with it.

Everything I said is REAL and TRUE. The problem with it is not TDS. The problem with it is that the truth makes you, and people like you, uncomfortable.
Everything I said is REAL and TRUE. The problem with it is not TDS. The problem with it is that the truth makes you, and people like you, uncomfortable.

Everything you said is eccentric, borderline schizophrenic.
So yes, TDS is a severe affliction, and you suffer with it.
Truth? What truth is that? That you still dwell on the past?
The thing that makes me uncomfortable is the progressive
ideals that will destroy the country I love. It is saddening.
Everything you said is eccentric, borderline schizophrenic.
So yes, TDS is a severe affliction, and you suffer with it.
Truth? What truth is that? That you still dwell on the past?
The thing that makes me uncomfortable is the progressive
ideals that will destroy the country I love. It is saddening.

If it makes you happy to think of me as suffering from TDS...fine with me.

I wish there had been more people in 1930's Germany suffering from HDS. German and the rest of the world would have been much better off.

I do not dwell on the past. The danger Trump and his enablers present to America are NOT IN THE PAST. Only the morons who continue supporting him imagine that to be the case...AND EVEN THEY THINK IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THAT BUFFOON GETS BACK INTO THE OVAL OFFICE.

So stop with the imaginary "you are living in the past" bullshit, RB. I am right here with you in TODAY.

Progressives are not the danger that will bring down "the county (you) love." YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE POLITICAL ELEMENT THAT WILL DO THAT DAMAGE. Stop supporting them and wake the hell up.