Fake ballots aren't voters, and the insidious influencers are a minority


Oderint dum metuant

Dubious ballots do not represent individuals, and a relatively tiny minority of "influencers" do not reflect the will of the people.

Due to current technological advancements, a few influencers have been able to produce propaganda that instills the illusion that the majority of people support an abrogation of their individual autonomy.

They have used this metastasizing chimera - along with the naked threat of repression - to centralize authoritarian control as never before in America.

Consider that the fact that the "most popular president in history" had to be installed in office behind fences and razor wire; guarded by the guns of the National Guard ... like a Communist dictator who knows his "election" was fraudulent and fears the populace knows it too.

Their perceived power has made the uneducated (A piece of paper from a public school or "prestigious" university does not make one "educated". Abe Lincoln never attended a university, and neither did George Washington) even more reliant on them to tell the intellectually lazy what to think, do, say, and feel.

The influence collective has no individual leader.

It has an ideology.

These few furtive falsifiers work constantly to make their numbers appear bigger than they are to overawe the gullible and create the illusion of popularity and success.

It's a mirage.

It’s a relatively small number of individuals who use their positions as journalists, teachers, union bosses etc. to advocate ceaselessly for the federal government to help them concentrate power of, by, and for one other.

It's becoming more apparent than ever in the wake of the stolen election of 2020 that the oligarchists are increasingly DEMOCRATS who have adopted the totalitarian tactics of the National Socialists and the Communists to destroy the American experiment.

They strive to replace the consent of the governed with the failed collectivism of tyranny under a sham "mandate" founded on manipulated media messaging and manufactured ballots.
