Fake Ballots from China


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Sidney Powell: Fake Ballots from China Continue to Arrive in the U.S.
Dec. 12, 2020
By Li Yanba, a Minghui correspondent

Attorney Sidney Powell confirmed that she has collected evidence of fake ballots that were printed in China. In an interview with Sean Lin of NTD on December 3, 2020, Powell said she has evidence that counterfeit ballots were still arriving from China and Mexico. Lin Wood, who was also interviewed by Lin, confirmed the existence of fake ballots, as well.

Powell said that she has videos of ballots being transported across the U.S.-Mexico border. “We have evidence of a significant planeload of ballots coming in, and we have a witness that has said that they continue to come in because they intend to run counterfeit ballots in any runoffs or if they need them in recounts, too. So it hasn’t stopped.”

Chinese Whistleblower Posts Video to Back Up the Claim

Vinness A. Ollervides, a political activist, posted on Twitter that five million fake ballots for Mississippi, Florida and North Carolina were printed in a factory in China. In a video posted by Ollervides, two Chinese men, one with a Cantonese accent, were heard talking about how to make fake U.S. ballots.

Ollervides also posted pictures of the alleged counterfeit factory with text: “The printing plant in Guangdong, China, cooperated with the printing of false ballots, which were mailed to Canada and Mexico with medical supplies between August and October 2020 and flowed into the United States.”

Ollervides tweeted about the printing plant in China

Ollervides said his conscience and belief in God led him to fish for information that would “expose China’s interference in the U.S. election.” And he promised to provide more information. Ollervides also claimed that many of counterfeit driver’s licenses and IDs that were seized by the authorities across the U.S. are related to the election. He quoted a report from Voice of America that, as of August 10, 2020, U.S. authorities had intercepted 54,718 fake IDs.

“Since every blank ballot must be matched with a personal identity to vote, some people forged ballots and some people made fake IDs. Obviously the client behind these counterfeits wants to change the votes locally and intervene with the U.S. election,” Ollervides said.

On November 23, CredereMedia of Taiwan quoted a person familiar with the matter as saying that there is an underground factory in Guangdong province of China that specializes in counterfeiting documents. And it has been producing 500,000 blank U.S. ballots per month since July.

The person said that the templates of these fake ballots were provided by the “previous customer,” but the factory could not recreate the metal patterns and anti-counterfeiting designs of the real ballots. Also these fake ballots could not be shipped directly to the U.S., and they had to be shipped to Canada, Mexico, and other places before entering the U.S.

Ollervides is a descendant of Manchu Plain Yellow Banner, one of the upper banners with prominent social status during the Qing dynasty. His grandfather was a high-ranking official of the Central Security Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party and his father was an influential financial executive who was later investigated and imprisoned by the CCP. Ollervides feared being implicated and settled in Japan after moving from one country to another.

Now a father himself, Ollervides said he wanted his daughter to live in a better world. The election fraud made him realize that the CCP’s tentacles have extended to the U.S. and other parts of the world, which compelled him to expose the CCP’s influence in the election.
