Fake Nuke????

the Korean bombs ? Many are so worried over them building nukes, it seems they did not do too good at it.
Oh well I say take them out. I said this before the Iraq war. Kim Jong Il is crazy...literally. He is crazier than his father because he was brainwashed by him. Unpredictable is bad and that is what N. Korea is.

We need to hit them fast and hard. Let the N Koreans see what the world is really like and they WILL be laying roses at our feet.
the Korean bombs ? Many are so worried over them building nukes, it seems they did not do too good at it.

Good to see a healthy dose of skepticism on Korea's nuke capabilities, from Bush's fans who were oh-so-willing to belive everything about Saddam's WMD capabilities.

Kim Jong Il is crazy...literally

I don't think he is that crazy.

Even if this test was a fake, after seeing the fate of other member's of Bush's hitlist without nuke capabilities, he knows that having a nuclear capability is probably the best shot his regime has at survival.
Kim Jong Il is crazy...literally

I don't think he is that crazy.

Even if this test was a fake, after seeing the fate of other member's of Bush's hitlist without nuke capabilities, he knows that having a nuclear capability is probably the best shot his regime has at survival.
I agree. We may not agree with his conclusions -- I think some of his premeses are very shakey -- but that doesn't mean he didn't reach them rationally and with deliberation.

Crazy like a fox is, I suspect, the appropriate phrase. Just like Castro and a few others I can think of.
Kim Jong Il is crazy...literally

I don't think he is that crazy.

Even if this test was a fake, after seeing the fate of other member's of Bush's hitlist without nuke capabilities, he knows that having a nuclear capability is probably the best shot his regime has at survival.
I would say unstable. When I was in the Navy and doing what I did. One of our standing orders was to listen for attacks from NK aircraft. They consistently, and with purpose, would send them out to shoot at US aircraft. I'm not kidding, actually shoot at them.

They seem willing to attempt any provocation.
Jong, knows that bush will believe he has nukes whether he does or not, He is playing bush for all he can.
he knows our country is trun by a bunch of fraidy cats right now. And before you say bush is tough and all that. Think about who and whose followers were running around like chicken little about WMD's, Mushrooms clouds, terrorism, etc...
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Originally Posted by AnyOldIron
Kim Jong Il is crazy...literally

I don't think he is that crazy.

Even if this test was a fake, after seeing the fate of other member's of Bush's hitlist without nuke capabilities, he knows that having a nuclear capability is probably the best shot his regime has at survival.

I would say unstable. When I was in the Navy and doing what I did. One of our standing orders was to listen for attacks from NK aircraft. They consistently, and with purpose, would send them out to shoot at US aircraft. I'm not kidding, actually shoot at them.

They seem willing to attempt any provocation.

NK is very belligerent, but Kim isn't mad. He knew that the US would avoid direct confrontation even if he attacked the US first.

He needs to go, far more than SH ever did, but we need to do it with a little cunning. We need to persuade his own people to do it. If we do it ourselves militarily we will drive the NK people further into Kim's arms.
Jong, knows that bush will believe he has nukes whether he does or not, He is playing bush for all he can.
he knows our country is trun by a bunch of fraidy cats right now. And before you say bush is tough and all that. Think about who and whose followers were running around like chicken little about WMD's, Mushrooms clouds, terrorism, etc...

There is little immediate threat, NK doesn't have the missile capability or aircraft to launch and is unlikely to for years.

The nuke is a bargaining chip for the NKs.
They have proven they will sell what they have to other places. What do you suggest Any? Bush has been trying to talk for years and gets nowhere.
Jong, knows that bush will believe he has nukes whether he does or not, He is playing bush for all he can.
he knows our country is trun by a bunch of fraidy cats right now. And before you say bush is tough and all that. Think about who and whose followers were running around like chicken little about WMD's, Mushrooms clouds, terrorism, etc...

There is little immediate threat, NK doesn't have the missile capability or aircraft to launch and is unlikely to for years.

The nuke is a bargaining chip for the NKs.

That is exactly why we should do something now and not wait.
But I'm always right. Iraq was a bad idea and I said it. I also said that I didn't believe they have a bunch of WMD cuz I was over there a few times and I don't think there is anyway Saddam could have been hiding anything major from us.

Korea is different they are always threatening other countries, they have bio and chem weapons. They have admitted this. They are building nukes. They export weapons. Their leader is unstable, and their citizens are canibalizing each other because they have no food.
They are cannibalizing each other for lack of food and we are cutting off humanitarian aid ? Boy are we real humanitarians.