Family Values

Ted Haggard

Verified User
As a God-fearing Christian, I always instruct my flock to vote for the presidential candidate that exhibits the best family values. For me and my flock, that usually means GOP-The party of God.

But, in examining the family history of the top tier GOP and Democratic candidates, I found myself to be in a bit of a quandry.


-Rudy: Three wives, two divorces, adultry and infidelity
-McCain: Two wives, one divorce, adultry and infidelty.
-Newt: Three wives, two divorces, adultry and infidelity.

Now Mitt has had only one wife. Good on him. But a Mormon???? You expect good old Ted to tell his flock to vote for a dude who thinks the Saviour is going to show up in Ohio? Not bloody likely.


-Hillary: one spouse. Married for 33 years
-Obama: one spouse. Married for 17 years
-Edwards: one spouse. Married for 29 years
-Richardson: one spouse, married his high school sweetheart.

No evidence of adultry and infidelity by Hillary, Obama, Richardson, or Edwards. At least ten seemingly well adjusted and loving children between them.

Lord, what's a good christian to do? Can you please give us some other viable GOP contenders?

Get back to me when you can, Lord.


Sorry Ted but you are a homo who can't admit that you are a homo, Why should I care what you say? A homo who know what is right but just can't follow the moral code. Sorry Ted. Try harder next time. Ted why are queers always saying they are something they are not?
Queer deciet. sometimes they become Priests and molest little boys, sometime they become Preachers and have faggot sex, sometime they become governors, get married have children and yet still have the need to go to public rest rooms for casual sex with comlete strangers..........never trust a fag.
I don't know Ted, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.

The bright side is, picking the theme song for the convention won't be hard. Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves is top of the list I hear.
But don't worry Ted, if you get on your knees (don't get excited) but get on your knees and admit your sins and ask for forgiveness the church will forgive you. But you have to believe what you say and promise not to sin again.
Never trust a neo, that is clear. I know gays that I trust. Can't say the same about anyone who is still an active Bushite.

Umm toby do you rweally think that is teddy boy ?
Queer deciet. sometimes they become Priests and molest little boys, sometime they become Preachers and have faggot sex, sometime they become governors, get married have children and yet still have the need to go to public rest rooms for casual sex with comlete strangers..........never trust a fag.

Good cover story Toby! I'd tried that too, and it worked for a while: the more homophobic and anti-queer you can make yourself appear in public, the less people will suspect your, ahhh, "secrets" shall we say?

BTW: I got your private message, toby. Thanks. I'm PM'ing back to you, the phone number and address to that male "massage" therapist that lives near you.
Good cover story Toby! I'd tried that too, and it worked for a while: the more homophobic and anti-queer you can make yourself appear in public, the less people will suspect your, ahhh, "secrets" shall we say?

BTW: I got your private message, toby. Thanks. I'm PM'ing back to you, the phone number and address to that male "massage" therapist that lives near you.

Damo do you see what's going on on your board? Fornication, sex pm's, God knows what all else.

I hope you're going to clean this place up.
Ted if I was a queer I would be really upset by that statement. That proves the point I was making. You can't trust fags, they lie and decieve. Is that what being a homo is all about? Do you support fags who lie about what they do?
Sorry Ted but you are a homo who can't admit that you are a homo, Why should I care what you say? A homo who know what is right but just can't follow the moral code. Sorry Ted. Try harder next time. Ted why are queers always saying they are something they are not?

Toby as usual with a statment not remotely connected to the topic of the post...........own little world..............


seems like I have heard this somewhere before ....
Not connected? Ted is making another moral judgement. Which is exactly what I was talking about. LOL Quit trying to copy what I say, TRY and think for yourself once in a while.
I didn't say you quoted me. But are you sure you want to send a check to Ted? After all he is now an admitted queer who can't control his sexual behavior.
So what is Ted?

A failed Christian who didn't live up to what he believed or
A successfull Faggot who fucked what he could?
Ted if I was a queer I would be really upset by that statement. That proves the point I was making. You can't trust fags, they lie and decieve. Is that what being a homo is all about? Do you support fags who lie about what they do?

Yeah, they should round all the fags up and put them in camps until we can think of some kind of final solution to the problem... You can't trust them, they all lie and cheat, take all the jobs and undermine Christian society, eh tobes....