Farmers killing America


Junior Member
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The nationwide health scare over bacteria-ridden spinach widened Monday, as the number of states reporting sickness linked to the outbreak increased to 21.

Illinois and Nebraska each reported a case linked to the E. coli bacteria alert believed to be caused by fresh spinach. Earlier Monday, the Food and Drug Administration widened its warning against eating any bagged spinach to include all fresh spinach.

At least 111 people have become ill. One death is blamed on the outbreak.

In the latest cases, an elderly woman in La Salle County, in northern Illinois, was hospitalized with kidney failure linked to E. coli thought to have been contracted from contaminated spinach, said Melaney Arnold, communications manager for the Illinois Department of Public Health.

frivoulous lawsuits?? i think not.
Why do people keep eating this stuff? Everybody who buys the pre-packaged crap had to have heard about this by now!
If the farmers would just give the illegal immigrants potty breask outside the field and toilet paper instead of spinach leaves to wipe with ?

It seems to me that the FDA not being able to track where this lettuce came from is a BIG issue. And their not being able to track it back to the source has hurt all spinich growers not just the bad one.
Well they wanted the FDA out of their hair, the congress oblidged and now the farmers are paying as well as the consumers.
The lady from the FDA last nicht said they were having problems tracking it. No systems were in place to track where our food we consume comes from, not even which country. Remember congress striking down the rule ?
We are getting a tracking system set up for beef, but that was only bexcuase of mad cow and to protect the innocent cattle ranchers and keep the beef selling, not to protect the consumer.
Does anybody else think that this might be a bio attack? Taking advantage of lax government policy?
If the farmers would just give the illegal immigrants potty breask outside the field and toilet paper instead of spinach leaves to wipe with ?

It seems to me that the FDA not being able to track where this lettuce came from is a BIG issue. And their not being able to track it back to the source has hurt all spinich growers not just the bad one.
Well they wanted the FDA out of their hair, the congress oblidged and now the farmers are paying as well as the consumers.

yes, all we needed was a controlling governmental body and the E coli wouldn't have stood a chance.
"More government!" cried the automatons
how do you know it was the farmers fault... what if it came from the packer ?
dam packers
I blame sheer bad luck and for a solution we need to start "The War on Luck" following other successful gov wars.

Come on, we had what a case of mass ecoli with strawberries years and years ago and besides that just isolated incidents.
In a nation of 300 million, we have a perfectly acceptable record. If you're really terrified about ecoli, then don't eat produce that touches earth (where ecoli is possible from fertilizer).
how do you know it was the farmers fault... what if it came from the packer ?
dam packers

that is my point , Our FDA nor the producers/packagers have procedures in place to keep track of where the problem origionated. So now not only do the consumers not know which spinach to dodge, but ALL spinach producers/packager/retailers are out of business for a while. and expect spinach sales to be very low for some time. This impacts profits, jobs, etc....
In this case less govt means less safety and profits and jobs....
I think we need less. But the areas where we continue to have oversight it should be better. The answer is not more government it is better and more efficient government.
I think we need less. But the areas where we continue to have oversight it should be better. The answer is not more government it is better and more efficient government.

well I sure can't disagree with that.
However I think we would disagree somewhat on what the definition of better and more efficient is ;)

both / all sides of the fence are being burned with not enough oversight in the food supply though.