Fauci Enterprises Should Be Listed On The Big Board


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Fauci is getting a piece of the action from so many products Fauci Enterprises stock would be worth more than Microsoft.

And lets not forget the money:

Coronavirus hustlers caught the money months ago. Tax dollars will pay for manufacturing and distributing approximately 300 million masks. Do the math. Fifteen dollars per mask multiplied by 300 million, and that is not counting replacement costs year after year until the end of time. (Fifteen dollars is the rock bottom price when government parasites are spending tax dollars.)


Dr. Fauci has applied for a dozen patents to protect his inventions while working at the N.I.H.


Regardless of which companies make it to the finish line:

Fauci will become richer than Jeff Bezos from kickbacks those companies will cough up if they want a CDC license to sell their placebos.

Fauci forcing me to buy one of his products really pisses me off. Ordinarily, I do not wear a mask when I go to a store. My daughter warned me that I had to wear something when I go to a doctor; so she bought me a shield on-line. I thought I was home free when I got past the guard in the lobby because I was wearing a shield. No such luck. When I got to the doctor’s waiting room one of Fauci’s useful idiots ordered me to remove the shield and put on the mask she gave me if I wanted to make it to the doctor’s office. The mask was free in theory. In truth, every dollar spent on the coronavirus fraud originates with tax dollars.

Finally, closing the schools is the one good thing I can say about the coronavirus. To be precise, it was a joy to drive someplace without getting behind one of those goddamned school buses.

Incidentally, bussing kids to school was a gold mine. Just about every city and town in this country has a parasite who pays off city hall for the school bus franchise. That is a lot of buses —— and a lot of support people people feeding at the local picnic table.

Frankly, parents should drive their kids to school if it is too far for the gumps to walk. Basically, if walking distance is within a one mile radius of any school the little darlings should pound shoe leather.

p.s. Looking at those kids getting on or off their ride tells me they are morons barely ambulant. No school is going to help them. Kids half-asleep getting on a school bus early in the morning might have an excuse for the blank look on their faces. Unfortunately, they are still asleep when they come home.
Trump tells the truth.

To Jacksonprat22: Trump tells only one lie, and he repeats it day after day. “I am working for the American people?”

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. Joseph Goebbels

In truth, Trump works for the Parasite Class in the federal government.

Fauci lies.

To Jacksonprat22: Fauci uses his position in government to work for himself. The worst of it is that that filthy little parasite freak is ordering hundreds of million Americans to do as he says. Fool like you believe they would die if Fasuci did not save them with a mask.

To Jacksonprat22: Morons never get it.
Trump tells the truth. Fauci lies. Got it.

To Jacksonprat22: Morons never get it.
Robert Kennedy Jr. and Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz debated on the topic of the coronavirus vaccine back in July.
During the debate, Kennedy Jr. claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci invested $500 million in the vaccine that is not safe by any means and Fauci owns half the patent so he’s due to make millions.

In an earlier thread we reported on Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s comments about Big Pharma and the increase in vaccines in our culture back in April. Kennedy shared the story of how Dr. Fauci fired and led the indictment of a brilliant assistant who blew the whistle on the harmful consequences attributed to vaccines.

We also reported on this doctor, Dr. Judy Mikovits who was a young doctor with a promising career until she began raising concerns about what she considered to be the potentially harmful consequences of vaccines. Dr. Mikovits explained how she was jailed during this time period with charges related to her removal of lab notebooks, a computer, and other material belonging to the institute. These charges were ultimately dropped. Her video has since been taken down by YouTube.

In the debate with Alan Dershowitz, Bobby Kennedy Jr. shared:

I think it is really important for our democracy to be able to have spirited, civil discussions about important issues like this. This is an issue that has been on the news 24 hours a day for the last four months and yet there’s no debate happening about this. It’s all repetition of orthodoxies and government proclamations and democracy functions only when we have free thought and information. Democracy is best often crafted in a furnace of heated, spirited debate.

Kennedy thanked Dershowitz for joining him and then stated that when he was young, Americans had faith in the medical community but now roughly 50% of Americans don’t want to take a coronavirus vaccine. The reason for this may be because the actual rate of serious harm from vaccines is 2.4%. There’s a 1 in 40 chance that you will get injured by vaccines and today’s kids have to take up to 70 vaccines.

Big Pharma was protected from being sued for their vaccines which is why they exploded in use. So now today not a single vaccine has been tested against a placebo and Big Pharma is pushing through the coronavirus vaccine at a record pace, despite numerous individuals in the initial testing sample getting violently ill and the testing given to the healthiest people in the country.

Kennedy says:

The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine. He owns half the patent. He and these five guys who are working for him were entitled to collect royalties from that.

So you have a corrupt system and now they have a vaccine that is too big to fail. And instead of saying this was a terrible, terrible mistake, they are saying we are going to order 2 billion doses of this and you’ve got to understand Alan with these COVID vaccines these companies are playing with house money. They’re not spending any dime, they have no liability. Well if they kill 20 people or 200 people or 2,000 people in their clinical trials, big deal. They have zero liability. And guess what, they’ve wasted none of their money because we’re giving them money to play with.

Listen to more below:

In the mean time, it was announced a few days ago that Dr. Fauci is being given an award in the name of Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s father:

Dr. Anthony Fauci and the athlete and activist Colin Kaepernick may seem like very different men in very different fields — but they are both being honored with the same award. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, and Kaepernick, a former NFL player who has led players’ demonstrations against racial injustice, will receive the RFK Ripple of Hope Award this year.

As director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Fauci has has grappled with major public health crises, including the AIDS epidemic, Zika, Ebola and now COVID-19. He is also the recipient of the the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President George W. Bush in 2008.

Bobby Kennedy gave his life for this country. His son would make him proud.
It’s unbelievable that a group would give Dr. Fauci an honor in Bobby Kennedy’s name.

UNBELIEVABLE: In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent
By Joe Hoft
Published August 3, 2020 at 9:54pm
