Fauci Gets Two


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Death masks were made for a range of famous and notable people and were put on display for many to see. And in a time before photography, this could be as close to the real thing as you might get.

Death has been, and may always be, shrouded in a veil of intrigue, fear, curiosity and calm. Below, we dig up a few famous faces from their final moments:​















7 Famous Death Masks in History
A look inside the famous death masks (and deaths) from some of humanity's most notable — and notorious — individuals.
Andrew Cannizzaro
Updated: Sep 8, 2020 Original: Aug 15, 2013


You do no not have to wait for Fauci to die to make the first death mask:

Here is the table for physiological and psychological effects of wearing a facemask:

Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death
By Joe Hoft
Published April 19, 2021 at 10:00am


Slap a black mask on the corpse for Fauci’s second claim to fame:

So you took the time and effort to post pics each of those death masks and center align them, but you were too lazy and half-assed to put the name of the individual under each one.

Nice job, dumbass.
To Nomad: Read the article if the names are important to you —— you lazy dumbass. Here is the link AGAIN:

Fuck the article.

I am not that interested and I've got better things to do with my time than peruse articles posted by known rwnj jerk-offs like you.

Especially when they are about some non-germane-to-anything topic like that one.

It is incumbent upon you, the poster, to make your posts as "user-friendly" as possible.

If you don't, it's only fair to assume that you are a careless, lazy, inconsiderate slob.
It is incumbent upon you, the poster, to make your posts as "user-friendly" as possible.

To Concart: No it is not. I make my messages as UNFRIENDLY as possible for liberals.

The conservatives I post messages for are smart enough not to require special instructions like liberal assholes.
The conservatives I post messages for are smart enough not to require special instructions like liberal assholes.

No, they are just stupid enough and have nothing better to do with their worthless time than waste it reading the kind of GARBAGE that droolers like you post.
No, they are just stupid enough and have nothing better to do with their worthless time than waste it reading the kind of GARBAGE that droolers like you post.

To Nomad: You are that one that was too stupid to click on a link.

You must have a lot of time on your hands because you not only read my threads you respond to them.
To Nomad: You are that one that was too stupid to click on a link.

You must have a lot of time on your hands because you not only read my threads you respond to them.

Like I said, IDGAF about the article.

And my responses to your shit only take about half a minute.

More time than you are worth, but still almost nothing.