Faux feministas found out


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On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, the topic was Kameltoe Hairless's presidential prospects.

Tiffany Cross of The Beat DC was first up. After claiming that Harris's record as a prosecutor made her suspect among African-American men, she said: "Black men. Blue-collar black men. They're going to have a problem with her record. but I will say, I think the African-American community expects more from people who look like us, particularly a candidate who represents us. She needs to find a strong, black man advocate who can be in her corner at some point in the campaign, at any space in her campaign, I would say, that's my key advice: find a prominent blue-collar, self-made, black man to be in your corner."

MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson took it a step further, disqualifying Harris's white husband as a potential advocate. "Let's just be candid. When you're saying she needs to have an advocate out there, it's not going to be her husband. She needs to surround herself with African-American men."

Note: this was also an exercise in identity politics at its most explicit. Consider this from Cross: "the African-American community expects more from people who look like us."

Reid didn't disagree with any of her guests, but fretted that Harris might be the only candidate to pay a price for her law-enforcement background, whereas Joe Biden and Cory Booker voted for a crime bill which is now controversial on the left.

Imagine Billy Squire singing this song I'm writing

Lonely is the plight
Of a clump of fetal goo
You can't expect a right
Before you are a you

Lonely is the plight
Of a fetus in the womb
If the timing isn't right
Then we flush you down the tube
Imagine Billy Squire singing this song I'm writing

Lonely is the plight
Of a clump of fetal goo
You can't expect a right
Before you are a you

Lonely is the plight
Of a fetus in the womb
If the timing isn't right
Then we flush you down the tube
