Fav Breakfast Cereal 1/2/3

The fact that I was in the Corn Flake factory when this was still allowed to visitors....1975 I suspect...might matter.

That smell never goes away.
At some point you could not go to the factory anymore, they feared their trade secrets more than they wanted to establish a relationship with their customers.....you could only go to a sales area.
I dont eat much cereal anymore because I need to watch carbs...and cereal plus the milk that I just gotta have dont make the grade most of the time. A few times a month at most. I do eat a fair amount of Kellogs All Bran Buds in yogurt, but that is strictly for health, I dont like it.
As a kid one of the Captain Crunches would have to had made the list...mom made sure one was always in the cupboard.