Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders F


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The most unfavorable of these politicians, from most to less, are: Trump, Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer. What a bunch of losers.

Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders
Favorable Unfavorable Spread
Donald Trump 42.0 54.3 -12.3
Nancy Pelosi 27.8 52.8 -25.0
Paul Ryan 30.7 53.0 -22.3
Chuck Schumer 28.7 43.7 -15.0
Mitch McConnell 21.8 48.3 -26.5

The most unfavorable of these politicians, from most to less, are: Trump, Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer. What a bunch of losers.

Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders
Favorable Unfavorable Spread
Donald Trump 42.0 54.3 -12.3
Nancy Pelosi 27.8 52.8 -25.0
Paul Ryan 30.7 53.0 -22.3
Chuck Schumer 28.7 43.7 -15.0
Mitch McConnell 21.8 48.3 -26.5


Can you provide Hillary's favorability rating as President? Wait, she didn't win.

304 - 227, bitch. Keep crying.
Jimmy is yet another one on the long list of cowards that hide because they can't defend their position. Gives you more time to kiss Obama's nigger asshole, doesn't it?
poor porch honkey

Just another nigger lover, aren't you, boy?

Jimmy can't provide Hillary's favorability rating. Can you? Wait, she didn't win and that's the motivation behind all the whining by pussies like you and Jimmy.
The most unfavorable of these politicians, from most to less, are: Trump, Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer. What a bunch of losers.

Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders
Favorable Unfavorable Spread
Donald Trump 42.0 54.3 -12.3
Nancy Pelosi 27.8 52.8 -25.0
Paul Ryan 30.7 53.0 -22.3
Chuck Schumer 28.7 43.7 -15.0
Mitch McConnell 21.8 48.3 -26.5


Quite a spread on Miss America, eh?
Misogyny is a fascinating aspect of humans. Next to racism it manages the minds of many uneducated Americans. And race is a myth as well. But give a weak person someone to look down on or call names and you got them in your pocket. Hate motivates the weak emotionally giving them hope they aren't losers. But think about that for a second why do some need to hate and label to feel OK?

"Humans universally make Us/Them dichotomies along lines of race, ethnicity, gender, language group, religion, age, socioeconomic status, and so on. And it’s not a pretty picture. We do so with remarkable speed and neurobiological efficiency; have complex taxonomies and classifications of ways in which we denigrate Thems; do so with a versatility that ranges from the minutest of microaggression to bloodbaths of savagery; and regularly decide what is inferior about Them based on pure emotion, followed by primitive rationalizations that we mistake for rationality. Pretty depressing."



"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
The most unfavorable of these politicians, from most to less, are: Trump, Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer. What a bunch of losers.

Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders
Favorable Unfavorable Spread
Donald Trump 42.0 54.3 -12.3
Nancy Pelosi 27.8 52.8 -25.0
Paul Ryan 30.7 53.0 -22.3
Chuck Schumer 28.7 43.7 -15.0
Mitch McConnell 21.8 48.3 -26.5

So your point is that Trump has the lowest spread amongst all those other losers. Not surprising.
Trump has the HIGHEST unfavorability rating among all the other losers, yes.

Trump also has the HIGHEST favorability rating among all the other loses, yes.

Yes, he is the biggest loser.
Where is Cruz on that list? he just said Beto.s campaign money is financing the Honduran caravan. Cruz is as big a liar as we have ever had in politics. He is a man with ambition and nothing other than that. He is much like Daffy. Lying, cheating, making shit up, just business.
Quite a spread on Miss America, eh?

Years of rightys making her the boogieman has had an effect. She is used across the country to rile up the simple folk who vote for the plutocracy. Pelosi is high quality leader of the party and the Repubs knew that. So they set up a system to slam her every chance they could, blaming her for everything they did not like. It is effective. Her influence is waning and many Dems think she is too much trouble to defend against the right wing endless barrage.Pelosi is a very good, well experienced leader who knows how to work the votes and organize. Sadly, the right demonizing her has made her a liability in many circles.
Years of rightys making her the boogieman has had an effect. She is used across the country to rile up the simple folk who vote for the plutocracy. Pelosi is high quality leader of the party and the Repubs knew that. So they set up a system to slam her every chance they could, blaming her for everything they did not like. It is effective. Her influence is waning and many Dems think she is too much trouble to defend against the right wing endless barrage.Pelosi is a very good, well experienced leader who knows how to work the votes and organize. Sadly, the right demonizing her has made her a liability in many circles.

Oh please ! Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters make you liberals look like the morons you are !
The most unfavorable of these politicians, from most to less, are: Trump, Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer. What a bunch of losers.

Favorability Ratings: U.S. Political Leaders
Favorable Unfavorable Spread
Donald Trump 42.0 54.3 -12.3
Nancy Pelosi 27.8 52.8 -25.0
Paul Ryan 30.7 53.0 -22.3
Chuck Schumer 28.7 43.7 -15.0
Mitch McConnell 21.8 48.3 -26.5


Well, if you have something substantially negative to say about Schumer or Pelosi- why not just lay your facts out on the table!

Otherwise you are just being some kind of a fucking antagonist or hater yourself dude!!

Go ahead- hate everybody- see where that gets you!
I have no problem whatsoever with Nancy or Chuck.

Ryan, McConnell, and the diseased orangutan deserve all the hatred we can muster to drop on them.
Pelosi and Schumer have been exemplarary public servants, and America needs a lot more like them.

We must beware of false equivalencies.
Fuck! It never ceases to amaze me the people who bitch and complain about everybody but themselves!

They go around screaming, "It's everybody else! The whole world is made up of nothing but idiots- Well, that is, except for me- For Me! FOR MEEEEEE! GUITAR! QUEEN ENDING!"!

Here let me flip you a fish! Arf Arf! Arf!

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