Favorite breaKfast cereal


ButterMilk Man
Currently Grape Nuts. If I had to choose lifetime I would be in a pickle because corn flakes, Life and shredded wheat big biscuit would be in the mix.
I eat more hot cereal than cold--primarily oatmeal or grits--not so much cream of wheat--
and I also drink more coffee than cold beverages.

But I like many of the cold cereals as well.
I don't have milk in the house--just light cream for cooking and for coffee--
so there's nothing slimming about that breakfast choice.
I did the Kellogg's tour maybe 1973...as I remember it was one of the last years the tour went into the actual factory.
I eat more hot cereal than cold--primarily oatmeal or grits--not so much cream of wheat--
and I also drink more coffee than cold beverages.

But I like many of the cold cereals as well.
I don't have milk in the house--just light cream for cooking and for coffee--
so there's nothing slimming about that breakfast choice.

Ferina, malto-meal, cream of wheat....hell ya.

Oatmeal not so much.
We used to put leftover oatmeal in cool whip containers, then next day slice it, egg batter then flour it, and then fry it, preferably in bacon grease...then drown with maple syrup my grandpa made...

That was solid.
Currently Grape Nuts. If I had to choose lifetime I would be in a pickle because corn flakes, Life and shredded wheat big biscuit would be in the mix.

Never ate them as a kid and still never will. I also despise milk so no point in eating cereal is there?
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I ate cereal as a kid, not at all now. I loved Captain Crunch Peanut Butter!

Also, Frosted Flakes, Sugar Smaks, Cookie Crisp.

I didn't like the fruity or multi-colored cereals like Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks.
We used to put leftover oatmeal in cool whip containers, then next day slice it, egg batter then flour it, and then fry it, preferably in bacon grease...then drown with maple syrup my grandpa made...

That was solid.

That sounds delicious.... I make real oatmeal all the time...(and I love fried mush....)
If I had to pick a cold cereal? Corn Flakes with fresh fruit and honey...or Special K with the same.... ( I also love to make Rice Krispie treats with all different kinds of flavored cereal....and puppy chow...lol)
I am told by one of my kids that Capt Crunch does not taste remotely like it used to, it has been ruined.
Not cereal per se but one thing I used to do and used to adore, and still do about once every five years, is take graham crackers, break them into a bowl, drizzle honey over them and then drown in very cold milk....then scarf them up.

I dont know how I got that idea.
And look at how your turned out anyways.

If you try really, really, REALLY hard, maybe someday you might even evolve a little bit closer to the level I enjoy.

FYI, it's "anyway", not "anyways". Putting the s on the end is characteristic of the way children speak. :thup: