Favorite movies?


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There are tons of good movies out there. Unfortunately, there are even more bad ones. What are some of your favorites?
I'll start the the list with one of my all time favorite movies. OFFICE SPACE is a comedy about the sad plight of the American office worker. Though it's a comedy, it makes a lot of valid and cutting observations. This is a movie that you must see.
Ladies of Leisure -Barbara Stanwyck
Pre-Code,early Stanwyck,Directed by Frank Capra
He didn't have Stanwyck rehearse because her first time doing a scene was her best.
Greatest emotional performance ,I ever saw.
Caddyshack has to be up there.

1920s: The Cocoanuts
1930s: Adventures of Robin Hood
1940s: Maltese Falcon
1950s: The Quiet Man
1960s: Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?
1970s: Star Wars
1980s: The Empire Strikes Back
1990s: Shawshank Redemption
2000s: The Dark Knight
2010s: Interstellar
1920s: The Cocoanuts
1930s: Adventures of Robin Hood
1940s: Maltese Falcon
1950s: The Quiet Man
1960s: Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?
1970s: Star Wars
1980s: The Empire Strikes Back
1990s: Shawshank Redemption
2000s: The Dark Knight
2010s: Interstellar

During Robin Hood Olivia de Havilland is riding the famous Roy Rodgers horse Trigger