APP - FBI/DOJ may have broken laws in Clinton email investigation



The long awaited IG report has the potential to drop a bomb on Washington DC metaphorically speaking. Of course to any of us who have been paying an semblance of attention it won't come as a surprise.

Once it was learned that Hillary was breaking the law with her illegal server, she immediately had to be protected because quite frankly everyone knew she was using it as they received classified information from her and probably sent it to her. Most notably, we know of at least a dozen emails sent to Clintons illegal email account from President B. Hussein Obama. There is no way the Deep State was going to allow the first half white President to be taken down by Hillary Clinton.

Unfortunately, the Deep State had a big problem on their hands. How do they make it appear like they are taking the investigation seriously yet find a way to white wash it and make it appear like Hillary wasn't getting away with murder.

Of course none of these people ever thought they would get caught, because quite frankly Hillary was supposed to win. Once she won the election, this would never see the light of day. But the American people threw a wrench in the works by electing President Trump.

It is all coming unraveled right now and soon rats will start turning on each other.
