Fear Based Politics


Diversity Makes Greatness
The right is looking pretty pathetic.

They seem to be mired in fear, hate and loathing.

It's sad to see.

It's pretty plain their policy all revolves around making the rich richer while screwing everybody else. They serve the powerful. And propaganda is their currency.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer? If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

The right vs the left is increasingly looking like fear vs facts.

Will the right be able to regain respect?

Can they ever again present reasonable compassionate leadership for all the people?

For them to do that, the Republicans will have to nominate somebody besides Trump in 2020.

That means as the right struggles to overcome using fear as a political weapon, they will have to become fearless enough to stand up to the big bully in the WH.

My, don't we live in interesting times?
Hello 10DUN,

Global warming global warming global warming deplorables deplorables deplorables

yeah this is a right wing problem

Climate change is a world problem.

Propaganda is a problem for the right because people are getting smarter.

I've met some young kids who are incredibly smart.

The future belongs to the intelligent, not the bullies.
Hello 10DUN,

Climate change is a world problem.

Propaganda is a problem for the right because people are getting smarter.

I've met some young kids who are incredibly smart.

The future belongs to the intelligent, not the bullies.

I forgot Russia Russia Russia!!!!!!!!!
Hello 10DayUserName,

I forgot Russia Russia Russia!!!!!!!!!

And you know Russia is far larger than the USA, has many more resources and people. But Russia has not prospered like the USA because it is controlled by bullies.

We have to have a political system which is not dominated by bullies.
Hello 10DayUserName,

And you know Russia is far larger than the USA, has many more resources and people. But Russia has not prospered like the USA because it is controlled by bullies.

We have to have a political system which is not dominated by bullies.

Russia's population is less than half that of the US I know.
The right is looking pretty pathetic.

They seem to be mired in fear, hate and loathing.

It's sad to see.

It's pretty plain their policy all revolves around making the rich richer while screwing everybody else. They serve the powerful. And propaganda is their currency.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer? If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

The right vs the left is increasingly looking like fear vs facts.

Will the right be able to regain respect?

Can they ever again present reasonable compassionate leadership for all the people?

For them to do that, the Republicans will have to nominate somebody besides Trump in 2020.

That means as the right struggles to overcome using fear as a political weapon, they will have to become fearless enough to stand up to the big bully in the WH.

My, don't we live in interesting times?

The American right MAY eventually works its way back and become the "reasonable, compassionate" group you hope for, Poli...

...but it will require a GREAT DEAL MORE than just standing up to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a reflection of what the American right has become. He is NOT an aberration.
This thread is delusional, for the most part. Btw, Russia has a GDP about the size of Spain's. Further, it is an undeniable fact that the United States of America is the world's main aggressor.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

The very idea that the "left" is immune to propaganda is absurd. Anyone who believes otherwise is, well, propagandized. :palm:

I never attempted to establish that anybody is immune to propaganda. We can certainly see that by looking at how well President Trump's lies work on the uneducated.

All that Left-leaning posters have to do is locate and state facts. Right-leaning posters have to be far more creative because facts are not frequently in their favor. Many times, the right is reduced to 'alternate facts,' with common conspiracy theories such as claiming the main stream news media is part and parcel of a Democratic party 'deep state.' This circular reasoning relies on giving examples of things denied by right-leaning posters, then claiming this 'proves' the existence of a 'liberal media.'
Hello Vasquezrocks,

The only ones who are in fear, hate , and loathing ..... Are you liberal Trump haters !

Not true.

You are all insane !

Baseless claim.

Thanks for providing an example of the OP contention.

Sounds like something a bot would say.

Real people who want to save the planet are only being logical. Real people wish to leave a planet in which our children and grandchildren can have all the opportunity that we did. President Trump stands in the way of saving the planet. He is only making the rich richer. He is USING FEAR to get uneducated people to hate immigrants. The real culprits are the greedy rich who are using wealth extraction to make life difficult for the rest. Then they hire a demagogue like Trump to get unsuspecting followers to direct their hatred at immigrants. That's how the greedy rich get away with wealth extraction and get deplorables to vote for Republicans to cut taxes for the rich.

Fact: Most immigrants simply want to work and contribute to our economy. They are less likely to be arrested than American Citizens are. President Trump's propaganda tells deplorable people they should be afraid of immigrants and hate them. Right wing pundits tell listeners to LOATH liberals, when the FACT is that liberals are your fellow citizens and this nation could not survive without liberals.

Please observe my PIP:

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Flame on me, mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you go on my PERMANENT Ignore List. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I won't participate in your threads, you will be banned from mine. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: if you like my PIP, feel free to use it. It works well.

Vasquezrocks, you have come on a little strong. If you can conduct a conversation without making insults I would like to discuss this with you. But if you are only interested in venting your anger at liberals then you will be ignored and thread banned forever. Can you tone it down and just talk without the hatred?
The only ones who are in fear, hate , and loathing ..... Are you liberal Trump haters !

You are all insane !

Pro America. That is why leftys don't like Trump. He is a childish name calling corrupt person who should not have won. His corruption will be exposed and he will flee pardoning everyone he can. The Repubs could have done better by picking any other Repub in the debates. His people started stealing on the inauguration ceremony and has been feeding at the troth ever since. Trump has put lobbyists in charge of agencies He has put corporate chiefs in charge of the agencies that used to regulate them so they could cripple them. You voted for it.
Hello Frank,

The American right MAY eventually works its way back and become the "reasonable, compassionate" group you hope for, Poli...

...but it will require a GREAT DEAL MORE than just standing up to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a reflection of what the American right has become. He is NOT an aberration.

Trump was going bankrupt with the Taj Mahal. He paid too much, built it too big and could never generate enough revenue to cover his debts. Banks would no longer loan to him.

He needed a huge cash injection.

So he went public!

He sold stock in his name.

People could invest in Donald Trump. They bought DJT stock!

He got millions. Kept him going for a while.

Why the public would invest in somebody who was going bankrupt and the banks would not touch him is a testament to his false propaganda narrative. He kept getting himself in the news, and every time, he looked like he had lots of money, like everything he touched turned to gold.

It all worked for a while but eventually people lost confidence in his stock. The word was finally out that he was a scammer. The stock price fell until it was worthless paper. Trump got away with all the money.

Trump got away with it by fooling most of the people some of the time.

Now his new shtick is to fool people into being afraid of illegal immigration. He is making it work for a while, but he knows it won't work forever. He's just milking it for all he can for as long as it lasts.

Trump knows people will wise up about him sooner or later.
I guess we all know the border is empty. The Mexican rapists and murderers have driven everyone away. Now there are only tumbleweeds and cacti.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

I never attempted to establish that anybody is immune to propaganda. We can certainly see that by looking at how well President Trump's lies work on the uneducated.

All that Left-leaning posters have to do is locate and state facts. Right-leaning posters have to be far more creative because facts are not frequently in their favor. Many times, the right is reduced to 'alternate facts,' with common conspiracy theories such as claiming the main stream news media is part and parcel of a Democratic party 'deep state.' This circular reasoning relies on giving examples of things denied by right-leaning posters, then claiming this 'proves' the existence of a 'liberal media.'

No. Everything you wrote applies equally, if not more, to the left. For example; the Russia hoax. You may reply with more leftist propaganda as you see fit.