Fearing Muslim Rage, UK Gallery Scraps Art


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A London gallery has decided not to show some works of art because it fears they would upset Muslims, a curator said on Friday, a week after a German opera house canned a Mozart production for the same reason.

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Yup, the potato, polygons, natural yoghurt, the letter 'K' and the new Skoda Octavia...all guaranteed to get a Grand Mufti mutineering against society in general.

Huh? Charver, in English proper, please? Translation for us dummies, if you would? ;)


This is just plain wrong. The art gallery organisers obviously have no back-bone.

It is time that whenever the religious kick off, protesting the latest nothing that has offended them, normal people should protest outside their religious buildings, overturning and torching their vehicles....

Fight fire with fire. See how they like it....
Anybody ever heard of Dr. Tawfik Hamid? A former terrorist who knows Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri...

Look him up, it is fascinating reading.