Federal Bureaucrats Caught Lying —— AGAIN!


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It looks like Democrat Communists trying for absolute control settled on their pet conspiracies. Every other Democrat Party conspiracy pales beside these two:





When Communists flocked to environmental garbage after the Soviet Union went belly up I thought they had hit the mother lode of conspiracies. I could not have been more wrong. If coronavirus lies and global warming lies were having a footrace coronavirus lies are so far ahead they passed the finish line three times while global warming lies are still waiting for the race to start:

Needles to say, gun control, abortion, open-borders, racism, etc, did not make the cut.

The Biden administration — arguably the most extremist executive regime in terms of its threat to civil liberties in recent history — is currently engaged in a coordinated effort to develop and introduce "vaccine passports" to the American public:

[The Biden administration is] currently working with a range of companies on the standards, including non-profits and tech companies[.] ... Multiple government agencies are engaged in conversations and planning, coordinated by the White House, as this kind of system will play a role in multiple aspects of life.

Specifically, the federal Department of Health and Human Services has been at the helm of the coordination of the "vaccine passport" program:

The administration's initiative has been driven largely by arms of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity.

Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:

The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.

Why three things? Go no further than lying:

This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying

It is pretty hard to call federal government liars ignorant about a policy they created:

or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports,
b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course.

Regardless, in no way does involvement in the creation of "vaccine passports" fall within the purview of the United States government. This is uncharted territory from a civil liberties perspective. Accordingly, constraint on the government's ability to install such regimes of surveillance is prudent.

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land and the font from which American protections against government overreach spring, clearly reads:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Let's clearly delineate between private companies — which, under the law, have the right to write their own (voluntary) rules regarding the behavior of their employees and customers — and the federal, state, or local government.

Vaccine passports, in the initial stages of their rollout, were cleverly pitched as requirements by private companies and, therefore, outside the purview of conventional civil liberties. This concept of private business rights is accepted by a wide portion of Americans. In fact, it is in the best traditions of American society and economy.

Unfortunately, the growing evidence now suggests that that pitch was dishonest or, at best, misleading — a way to legitimize government efforts to foist vaccine passports on the public under the auspices of private business mandates.

For a possible glimpse of the future of government surveillance if we do not correct course, we look to Israel, the European Union, and other Western government around the world:

The European Commission will present a proposal in March on creating an EU-wide digital vaccination passport, an issue that has divided member states, Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Monday.

In addition to being privacy violations in and of themselves, vaccine passports are also goldmines for hacks by nefarious actors, state and non-state alike. The Israeli "green pass" model, for example — already in effect for the Israeli population and directed by the Israeli government — is ripe for abuse of privacy, according to the I.T. experts who have studied it:

The green pass is also a potential privacy nightmare[.] ... [T]he pass reveals information that those checking credentials don't need to know, such as the date a user recovered from covid or got a vaccine.

The extent to which personal data mined from these vaccine passports can be used for nefarious purposes is, at this early stage of rollout, speculative fiction: the sky is the limit.

If the U.S. government mandates proof of vaccination to access government services as the Israeli government and other regimes around the world have already done or proposed to do, this new power is nearly certain to be abused.

The PATRIOT Act, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and other post-9/11 surveillance regimes advanced by the national security state — already burdensome and arguably unconstitutional themselves — have been wildly abused beyond even their original Orwellian scope.

Supposing civil liberties proponents were to concede the urgent need and constitutionality of vaccine passports — a huge leap indeed and a potentially fatal mistake for the American way of life — the federal government simply cannot be trusted to adhere to the rules and laws surrounding these "passports" as written.

A very similar, even parallel, dynamic of problem-reaction-solution can be seen in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, a national tragedy that was immediately seized upon by the national security apparatus to justify widespread new powers for itself. The new surveillance capabilities granted via the post-9/11 acts listed above were immediately abused at scale.

Questioned under oath before Congress, one of the highest authorities in the land, James Clapper, former director of national intelligence, offered blatantly false (and perjurious) testimony during the Obama administration:

Clapper appeared before the Senate to discuss surveillance programs in the midst of a controversy over warrantless surveillance of the American public. He was asked directly, "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?" There was no ambiguity or confusion and Clapper responded, "No, sir. ... Not wittingly." That was a lie and Clapper knew it when he said it.

The takeaway from Clapper's unprosecuted perjury is that, far from an anomaly here or there, the government abuses each new power it is granted as a matter of routine — knowingly and at the highest levels.

We must say no to placing new vaccine passport powers into the hands of dishonest D.C. bureaucracies and agencies. Our already crumbled civil liberties, those that we have left, depend on it.

April 10, 2021
Federal Government at the Heart of 'Vaccine Passport' Development
By Ben Bartee

It is pretty hard to call federal government liars ignorant about a policy they created:

I cannot figure out if federal bureaucrats lie and China Joe Biden swears to it, of if Biden lies and bureaucrats swear to it:

On Thursday, in a Rose Garden statement, Biden announced that he’s going to take myriad executive actions, all purporting to save Americans from gun violence. In fact, as is almost invariably true for leftists, just about everything he said was a lie, including “and” and “the.”

April 11, 2021
Biden’s planned gun control actions do not pass muster
By Andrea Widburg


Which one is lying and which one swears to it?

I cannot figure out if federal bureaucrats lie and China Joe Biden swears to it, of if Biden lies and bureaucrats swear to it:

This fabulous article by Steve McCann did not solve my dilemma, but it made me wonder what kind of eulogies the public will have to endure after China Joe Biden dies. Frankly, the only good thing I would say is ‘Thank God.’

An ex-business partner and I were recently reminiscing about an encounter we had with then Senator Biden at MBNA’s new corporate offices in downtown Wilmington in 1996. (MBNA was then the world’s largest independent credit card issuer.) Biden was running for re-election, so he was glad-handing anyone within reach, and we were, unfortunately, in the line of fire having just left a meeting and walking through the lobby. Flashing a toothy grin, dripping with condescension and insincerity, he grabbed my hand and said, “Good to meet you, hope you’ll vote for me in November. Like your tie.”

Fighting the urge to go and wash my hands and thinking of his disastrous 1987 presidential campaign and history of political sleaze, I said to my partner, after Biden had pressed his flesh, “Damn, I hope that oily bastard is never elected President.”

The chance meeting at the MBNA building was appropriate as Biden was not only a Senator from Delaware but was so blatantly acting as MBNA’s chief “lobbyist” that he was often referred to as “The Senator from MBNA.” In 1996, MBNA hired Joe’s son, Hunter, fresh out of law school, having never worked in finance or banking, as a “senior vice president” making $100,000.00 per year ($168,00.00 in 2021 dollars) plus a substantial signing bonus.

It was after this run-in with Joe Biden that I began to pay more attention to his fabulist tendencies, lack of character and compulsive lying. While his cognitive decline is an ancillary factor in what the American people see today, the reality is that he has always been someone who will do or say anything to advance his personal aspirations. Which has always been more than just mundane financial or material accumulation. Biden has long harbored the dream of being praised in the history books as the next Franklin Roosevelt, the demigod in the pantheon of Democrat party icons. His impatience to achieve that goal had him seriously considering a presidential run in 1980 when he was 37. His first bid for the presidency was in 1987 at 44.

Joe Biden is not an ideologue but a self-obsessed blowhard who is currently promoting extreme leftist ideology only because those policies are now de rigueur in the radicalized left-wing Democrat party and advancing them is the key to the esteem he craves. By stark comparison, during various stages in his 35-year Senate career he was a racist and segregationist, a zealot for tough on crime legislation, a hawk promoting military intervention in a variety of international conflicts and an avowed defender of crony capitalism.

Since he became President, many Americans and journalists in the alternative media have been taken aback by Biden’s penchant to outright lie repeatedly in the course of any speech, pronouncement or press briefing. Throughout his political career, in virtually every speech or answer to a question he has not only trafficked in political obfuscations but repeatedly told overt lies about his life history, legislative matters and his political opponents. He fits the definition of a compulsive liar:

A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right as they oftentimes have a need to embellish and exaggerate.

There is little doubt that Joe Biden is suffering from mild cognitive decline brought about by the aging process, but that should not be viewed as an excuse for his character traits, in particular self-obsession and compulsive lying. In reality, these types of character traits are not developed as a person grows older. Instead, lifelong traits become more pronounced and exaggerated in old age.

Thus, he is not an absent-minded grandfatherly and politically moderate occupant of the White House but the most dishonest, deceitful and mendacious person in a position of power in American history and, along with his influencers in the radicalized Democrat party, an empirical threat to the future of the country.

Determined to rid the nation of Donald Trump, the ruling elites inflicted Joe Biden upon the nation by egregiously and perhaps illegally manipulating election laws and obfuscating and oftentimes burying unflattering and negative stories about him and his family. Biden was an ideal choice for the elites as he is, in many ways, a reflection of who they are. However, this choice also revealed their obliviousness in dismissing the depth of Biden’s narcissism and habitual duplicity.

Professor Ted McAllister of Pepperdine University described the current generation of American elites or the Ruling Class as follows:

The deepest fact of our time is that America has a bad elite, a mendacious one whose skills, values, goals, tastes and types of knowledge are hostile to our nation’s inherited cultures and plural people. The new elite that has emerged in the last generation or two has no interest in preserving anything but perhaps their own power. They lack historical knowledge and vision, which they supplant by, or exchange for, the powers of transformation and change. Intoxicated by the power possible with emerging technologies, inspired by visions that only a deracinated globalist perspective could make attractive, this elite thinks of creative destruction as applied to culture.

The ruling elites in their headfirst dash to transform the culture have aligned themselves with the radical left whose sole objective is to centralize all governmental and economic power in a hybrid socialist federal government with themselves, and not the current ruling class, in permanent control.

Yet, the elites cannot see the forest for the trees. Their naiveté and egotism mirrors Biden’s self-obsession as the elites believe they can ultimately compromise with the militant left to their advantage and Biden mindlessly acquiesces to the left in order to satisfy his lifelong aspirations. This confluence of cowardice has placed the radical Left at the apex of the governing pyramid despite just 15% of Democrat voters (and 7% of all voters) identifying as very liberal.

The three-headed monster of radical leftism, a duplicitous Joe Biden and a credulous ruling elite has unleashed upon the nation the onslaught of identity politics and cancel culture, unconstrained illegal immigration, unfettered money creation and spending, manipulated and unfair elections, racial demagoguery and the near-permanent abrogation of freedoms under the guise of fighting a pandemic.

It is imperative that the American people become more involved in the nation’s governance by actively participating in a patriotic resistance against the tyranny of a central government dominated by the left. In a multi-ethnic nation of 330 million that spans a continent, the primary solution to this descent into potential anarchy lies in forcing an awakening by and a transformation of the elites and related institutions, thus recapturing the culture. As that is the key to permanently defeating the militant left.

This will require political turmoil. The people must force and endure dramatic, painful, institutional battles outside of the federal government: in universities, non-profits, media, arts, and the array of institutions that constitute the sinews of a self-ruling people. Meanwhile, the American people, and in particular the nation’s elites, must reject the false characterization of Joe Biden and recognize the mendacious man he is and the self-obsession that motivates him. Thus, making it imperative that he and his administration be thwarted at every turn by state governors and legislatures, the Congress and the Courts.

April 12, 2021
The Mendacity of Joe Biden and the Ruling Elites
By Steve McCann

It looks like Democrat Communists trying for absolute control settled on their pet conspiracies.

This great interview affirms my observation:

NOTE: Marc Morano cited Al Gore and Jane Fonda. He also reminded us that environmental parasites do not debate. Remember it was Gore who invented A CONSENSUS Of SCIENTISTS settled the issue:

Christopher Monckton is the guy Al Gore refused to debate the environmental crapola Gore pushes to this day.


Anyone who believes anything Jane Fonda says should have their doctor provide a monkey donor and schedule a brain transplant:

I, a Socialist, think we should strive toward a Socialist society, all the way to Communism.

Do not hold your breath waiting for Hanoi Jane to enlighten you:

"If you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that one day we would become Communist." (speaking to students at the University of Michigan in 1970)



Gore and Fonda never debate anyone because they are too stupid to make their ridiculous positions sound logical. That holds true of fools who agree with nincompoops. They all defend their beliefs with talking points they get from well-known clowns like Al Gore, or moral horseshit preached by traitors like Jane Fonda.

Gore and Fonda never debate anyone because they are too stupid to make their ridiculous positions sound logical. That holds true of fools who agree with nincompoops. They all defend their beliefs with talking points they get from well-known clowns like Al Gore, or moral horseshit preached by traitors like Jane Fonda.

Parenthetically, I always thought Ziggy Freud would have had a field day inside Jane Fonda’s head because she was never quite sure who her father was; Henry or Tom Joad.


Tom Joad’s baby girl is elaborating upon her road game:

Jane Fonda encouraged anti-pipeline activists in northern Minnesota to mess with critical US infrastructure.

The 83-year-old Communist and traitor encouraged activists to “raise a ruckus” and create a headache for the Canadian oil company, Enbridge.

“Biden has taken a very clear and very beautiful position on the climate crisis,” Hanoi Jane said. “But we are really facing a potential catastrophe and the science is very clear — it’s not enough to do something good here like shutdown Keystone XL, shut down drilling on the Arctic national refuge and then allow Line 3 to go through.”

“We can’t do this in bits and pieces,” she added.

Jane Fonda Encourages Anti-Pipeline Activists in Minnesota to Mess with Critical US Infrastructure (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published June 8, 2021 at 10:01pm
