Federal Civil Union Bill

well lets get to it...

bush has come out in support of civil unions (or so that lying LIEberman LIar says)

so lets get to business...

civil unions are important for everyone... certain individuals are denyed rights b/c they are gay... if someone meets like lets say a conn resident meets someone in canada, and wants the canadian to move in w/ them it could be a big problem...

but not if your straight..

also filing your 1040 as a couple can save you some bling
and other rights and privlages IE SS money etc...

we need some legislation... so rather than marriage compromise w/ a federal civil union bill..

its not marriage and affords everyone the rights they are entitled to and that they pay tax on anyways..

gay people pay taxes too mofo's.
also filing your 1040 as a couple can save you some bling

that depends on how much both of you make.....There is sometimes a marriage penalty, and you would be better off filing single if you both could.
I really don't think that's the major part of his point, though he did bring it up.
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Civil Unions are harmful to society. Civil Union Bills are STATE responsibilities, anyway...NOT Federal.
Civil Unions are harmful to society. Civil Union Bills are STATE responsibilities, anyway...NOT Federal.
Civil unions are harmful because the gays might treat it with the same disdainful, callous and cavalier attitude as the straight population treats the sacred institution of marriage.
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:cheer: OUTLAW DIVORCE :cheer:

:cheer: SAVE MARRIAGE :cheer:

id bet if we outlawed divorce the murder rate in this country would rise astronomically.
I think that the number of couples simply living in different houses would increase as well as the high level of adultery as many would simply move in with the person they'd marry if they could divorce.